"Okay Y/N, say what you want me to say." Louis Says.

"Um....Name something that you would do that's totally embarrassing but do it anyway." I Said.

"What do you mean? He does that all the time with his dumbass jokes." Violet Says. Ellie chuckled at her joke.

"Oh come on, Vi. Seriously? I think your just jealous that you don't have natural comedy like me." Louis Says.

"Louis, do the truth thing." I Said.

"Much apologizes. I would...climb up the Eiffel Tower in Paris, naked and shout "I'm the king of the world!" To the whole city below me." Louis says proudly. We all fell into silence as Violet facepalms.

"Louis, your my friend and all but no one ever wants to imagine you naked, dude." Marlon Says.

"Come on. Think about it, there's no one left in the world to tell us what to do. Don't you ever want to just climb up a historical moment and strip your clothes-." Louis Says before Violet leans in slowly and says.

"Hey Louis, four things. Shut. The. Fuck. Up!" Violet Says as she leans back.

"I think you pissed her off, Louis." I whisper to him. We drew cards again and Aasim got the highest and Tenn got the lowest.

"This one's truth. What is something you never told anyone because your afraid they'll make fun of you." Aasim Says.

"Well I...I was um...I think that this era would end. The walkers era, I mean. Like they all go away some day. Cause the world goes in cycles. The Ice age. The world wars. The Black Plague. Some other ages. This age will end and a new will start." Tenn says.

"A world without the dead. Like it was before." Clem Says. Everyone then looks at tenn for what he said.

"Why's everyone looking at me for? Did I mess up the game?" Tenn says.

"No, not at all, buddy. That's...actually really nice, Tenn. I thought that they would go someday too but I didn't think of it as an age or era." I Said. A.J then frowns for some reason.

"What's the matter, A.J?" Ellie asked.

"I just don't know what it was like before. All of you guys do but I've never got to see it." A.J Says.

"Believe me, A.J. The world we used to live in, was pretty shitty." I Said.

"Hmp, that's an understatement." Marlon Says.

"And I think that's where we should call it a night, boys and girls." Louis Says.

"We should get back to work, anyway." Violet Says as we all stand up from our chairs. Ruby then goes up to us. "You on lookout?"

"Yeah. Clem's got lookout after me." Ruby says.

"Can I come help?" A.J asked.

"Of course you can, little man." Ruby says. A.J then looks at me and Clem for approval and we nod. A.J then goes with Ruby to the guard tower. We look over and see Willy and Aasim talking.

"Hey." Aasim Says.

"Hey." Willy Says.

"You wanna go help with the brick trap?" Aasim Says.

"Yeah, I've got some ideas for it. Let's go." Willy says. They both then go to the admin building. "Sorry for fighting with you about the other trap idea. It was pretty childish of me to think that."

"Hey, don't worry about it. We would do it but we don't have all the materials or time to make it happen." Aasim Says as they went into the admin building.

"I should go up the church tower, see how our defenses look from up top." Violet Says.

"Thought you were gonna help me with ammo check?" Ellie asked.

"Oh shit, I forgot. Sorry. We still need to check those traps though." Violet Says.

"Why don't I do it, Violet?" I offered.

"You sure? The church is-." Violet Says.

"It's fine, really. Be like a walk in the park." I Said.

"Okay. If you insist, then." Violet Says. Ellie and her go to the weapons table to check the ammo.

"I guess I'll go do my job." Louis Says as he gets up.

"What job is that?" Clem asked.

"Just practicing with my old piano. Before you guys turn it into fire wood." Louis Says.

"But Fire is good, Lou. It keeps us warm at night." Marlon Says.

"And music is good too. I just wanna do a project I'm working on. You wanna help? It'll help you feel a little less somber." Louis Says to Marlon.

"I'll watch. Since I don't really have anything else to do." Marlon Says. They head into the admin building and that left me and Clem all to ourselves.

"Do you wanna tag along with what I've gotta do?" I asked.

"Sure. Guess it'll pass the time before I have to do guard duty." Clem Says. We both then head to the church tower to check on the traps around the perimeter.

TWDG: THE FINAL SEASON. (Clem x Male reader.) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя