Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

So the days went on like this. You would have breakfast with the team, often bringing Loki his, have training with Natasha, come up for lunch, see Loki in the library, then head back up for dinner. After your day, depending on how exhausted you were, you may or may not have fallen asleep on Loki a few times. Although, one could argue you weren't coherent enough to realise what you had done, even during the few recent nights you've done it while still watching the movie, or commenting on someone's chopstick skills.

It was actually the night before the party when it happened. The entire team was called out by Fury, leaving you with Loki. Which brought you to your first ever official Avenger's mission.

'Babysit' Loki.

It was ridiculous really. At least Stark had the audacity to give you some money for dinner, which sounded like they weren't going to make it back for. The two of you finally decided on pizza, since it'd get here the fastest.

After the quick dinner, you both went back to your own books. You were reading the hobbit, one of your many recommended and heavily loved stories from Peter, while Loki's book seemed to be some Asgardian novel. You really couldn't tell. Small talk happened, although it always ended quickly. Reading was too wonderful to quit.

But all of a sudden, Loki turned to you, closing his book. "Are you going to Stark's party tomorrow night?"

"What?" His question had caught you off guard. Why was he talking about the party? You hadn't thought he would want to go- but evidently not.

"Will you be going?" What was with all his questions? Where had this come from?

"For a little bit probably. Although I'll definitely be keeping off the dancefloor."

He looked shocked at your statement. "Whatever would prevent you?"

"I have two left feet."

"Come again?"

"It means I can't dance. I tried to help Peter learn a few months ago, when he went to his prom, and that's when I figured it out." It was actually really embarrassing, and slightly related to the llama incident. Only slightly. But that was a story for another time. For a second an emotion crossed Loki's face, before he quickly suppressed it. Why was he jealous?

"I could help with that. I happen to be a very great dancer."

"Are you now? I could've sworn I saw you trip on your own feet yesterday-" You tease, expecting him to give up on his attempt to get you to dance. In the living room, while the team was out on a mission. With just the two of you.

The two of you alone in the tower, with no one more than Jarvis watching.

"Are you doubting my skills?" A teasing smirk grew across his face, as he stood from his seat. He turned to face you, holding out a hand. "Shall we?"

"This is a horrible idea, Loki. Something could go wrong."

"I doubt you could step on my toes hard enough for it to be a problem." That wasn't what you meant and he knew it. But what other option was there? It was quite tempting to dance with the silver-tongued god. With his ravishing smile, his piercing eyes.

You were getting ahead of yourself. It's just a dance.

You smile at his teasing, letting him gently lift your arms to where they need to be. One rested on his shoulder, as one settled in his own hand. He placed his free hand on your upper back, like the gentleman he is.

This was still only your first dance.

With Loki.

In the living room.

A Little Fate (LokixReader) {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now