Part 1

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(This is how she look and what she wear! Enjoy! 😉 I don't own this character. It belongs to Makoto Shinkai and weathering with you )


It's been 3 years since we defeated Raven's demon side. But, we were not able to find Raven. It was like she disappeared. We tried everything. We even talked to Justice League, but they weren't able to find her. 

She must be of 20 by now. We all are over our teenage years. I am 21 (😛) Robin and Starfire are 23 and Cyborg's 25. We changed our name from Teen Titans to Titans. 

I was walking down the community park right now. I was wearing my holo ring. Cyborg made some so that we can't be recognized in the public. It really changed us. My green skin turned light bronze. My dark green hairs turned Dirty blonde as for my eyes, they turned baby blue. No-one can recognize us in this way. 

The park was quite and peaceful. It was almost dark and people were making their way to their home. I frequently come here. Whenever I want to take my mind of her. I would always come here. It makes me happy to be here. 

After all these years, I still kept her note. It's her promise and I know she won't break her promise. She will come back to us. To me. 

Walking down the park, I heard some soft sound. As if someone was playing violin somewhere near. 

I never heard it before. And before I knew it, I was following the sound. It was so beautiful. It holds such emotions. I followed it to the other end of the park. As soon as it ends, I saw the source of the melody. 

I can't believe what I saw. It was... Her. Her long black hairs were tied in two braid pony tails (If that even exist) She wore jeans colored shorts and baby pink tank top. On top of it she wore a sleeveless hoodie. There was a blue gemstone necklace on her neck. The gem matches the color of her deep blue eyes. 

Her eyes were closed. When she finished, she saw me. She smiled sweetly and walked towards the bench where her violin cover lay. I just stood there. In shock. It's her. It's RAVEN! 

"R-Raven?" I stammered.

"Who?" She asked as she looked in my eyes. 

"You, You are Raven... Right?" I asked. 

She chuckled and said, "No, I don't know who this Raven is." She walked towards me and stretch open her hand in front of me. 

"My name is Rachel, Rachel Roth." She said still smiling.

Rachel. Why does this name sound so familiar. 


"Hey Raven!" Beast Boy was really annoying her now. 

"What so you want?" She asked through gritting teeth.

"I was thinking-" Beast Boy started but Raven cut him. 

"You can think? I didn't knew that!" She said in fake confusion. He rolled his eyes. 

"So like, since you guys know my real name. Tell me your real name." He said. 

"No thanks." She said not taking her eyes away from her book. 



"Please please please plz plz plz plz plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!" He pleaded repeatedly.

She slammed her book shut and said, "If I told you, will you leave me alone?" He nodded his head furiously.

"Fine." She blushed and muttered something. 

"Huh?" He asked placing his hand on his ears. 

"R-Rachel." She said, her face resembling a tomato. 

"Rachel? It's soo cool. It's better then Garfield!" He exclaimed.

Raven rolled her eyes and continued her book. 


Of course! Raven's real name is Rachel! Wait! Terra said that Raven didn't used her mortal side. Which means she doesn't know us. But hey! At least Raven is here. 

"Oh sorry. Well, my name is... Garfield, but you can call me Gar." I said. Well, I told her my real name. 

"Hello Gar. What brings you here?" She asked friendly.

"Nothing, I just needed to take my mind of something." He said. 

"Oh. Well, would you like to be my friend?" She asked innocently, like how a 5 years old would ask to be your friend. She does look cute. 

"Yeah sure!" She beamed.

Wow. I never thought a person who don't know me will act this friendly to... Ohu. It's not me. It's this holo ring. As much I don't like to admit it. I look handsome in this appearance. That's why she is acting this good. 

"Well, you look good Gar!" She said as she placed her cover on her shoulder.

"This is not how I... Actually look." I said.

"Huh?" Of course she would be confused. I mentally prepared myself for screaming and running away from her as I removed my ring. I closed my eyes and hung my head low. 

She saw my skin turning light green as my hairs turned dark. She wasn't able to see my eyes but my pointy ears and fang was clearly visible. Now she will run away and call me a freak. 

I waited. Nothing happened. I met her eyes, and to my shock, she was smiling. Not the forced one which other people use in order to give me their fake respect. It was a genuine one. A sweet one. 

What she said we're the words my ears were longing to hear.

"I see no difference." 

She said she don't see a difference? It's right in front of her. How can't she see it! I mean. I am green and have elf ears and a fang. Who has them. A freak of course! 

"But, I am green and my ears and pointy and I have a fang. Don't you see me as a... freak?" I asked shyly. Her smiled never left her face. 

"Nope. When I said you look good Gar, I mean who you are. I didn't mean how you look was good. I mean how you were was good. I can feel that you a sweet and loving person. And Mr, if you are willing to be my friend keep one thing in mind. I don't judge people on their appearance. I judge them for who they truly are. And who you truly are, is a sweet and truthful person." 

Her words. They were like medicine. Her every single word healed the holes in my heart which people made when they called me a monster, an animal, a freak. She replaced them with those sweet words. 

I smiled a huge sweet smile. A smile I have never shown to other people. Maybe, this is a start of our new relationship! With the person who truly cares about me. Thanks Raven. Thanks Rachel. 



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