Quarantine Bore-antine

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The lock down begins in London, and who better to spend it with Louis than Harry?
-partial smut

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As of tonight, London will be undergoing a lock down, taking up to two weeks minimum. More information will follow soon...

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"What are we supposed to do without leaving our house for two whole weeks?" I ask, draping myself over the three bodies on the couch. 

Niall just pushes my feet off of him, Liam tickles my sides, and Harry just smiles down at me, moving his fingers into my hair. 

"I don't know about you, but I'm staying with Zayn." Liam says, rubbing his hand after I ended up slapping it away from me. 

I roll my eyes, moving my body so I only sit in Harry's lap, my back against his chest as he continues to move his hands through my hair. 

"Just fuck already, we all know you're literally in love with each other." I snort. I then smirk as Liam's face gets completely red and he flips me off, standing up to probably go sext Zayn. 

"Don't be mean Louis," Harry attempts to scold me as I just blink at him, quirking my eyebrow before patting his head lightly. "Sure Haz, I forgot to always treat Liam with kindness." 

I watch Harry give me a warm smile and I return it. I chuckle lightly, glancing over at Niall who types ferociously on his phone. 

"Who are you texting Nialler?" I ask and he only glances at me before completely ignoring me. I frown, burrowing my eyebrows together as I stick out my leg, trying to knock his phone down with my foot. 

 "What Lou?" He mutters and I roll my eyes. "What're you doing?" I ask as his thumbs fly. "I'm asking a friend if I can hang with them for the next two weeks." He replies.

I raise an eyebrow, sharing a knowing glance with Harry before crawling off his lap and towards Niall. He doesn't hear me move as his phone is within my reach, but he snatches it away as my hand comes out to take it.

"Piss of Lou." Niall mutters. 

"Is it Shawn?" I ask and only seconds later I watch Niall's face heat up. 

"No." He states and immediately stands, leaving to go to his room. I roll my eyes and turn my body back to Harry who only watches me with a fond expression that says he's such an idiot, but  that's what I like about him. 

"So," I drawl out, sneaking a glance to Harry's face. "What'll you be doing?" I ask him, not sure if he wanted to be alone or not.

Right now we were sitting in the living room of Harry's and Niall's flat, but I was pretty much over 24/7, and so were Liam and Zayn unless they are with each other. 

I'm pretty positive, along with Harry, that Liam and Zayn definitely have something going on. It's so obvious at times I can't help but laugh. 

"Well," Harry starts, "I was thinking about asking someone to stay with me." He says, casually picking his nail. 

My shoulders start to sag, well, I'll be looking forward to two weeks off loneliness. 

Larry Stylinson // One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now