Phil Swift - Airport

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September 32nd 1873

*7 year old Phil Swift has entered the chat*

Phil and his mom went from the Orlando international Airport to to O'hare International Airport to Los Angeles international Airport. Why those three in that order, he didn't know. But his mother, Taylor Swift, did.

They were running away from Phil's father, Big Bird's, clone. Big bird had ate too many Flintstone gummy vitamins and they had a negative effect on him because he was a bird. He had unwillingly duplicated himself, and the clone had convinced him to move away to Europe. The clone was a lot smaller, and looked quite different. He looked exactly like Lucius Malfoy. Because he was.

His plan was to kill Phil *gasp* which would be a lot of damage

Anyways Big Bird realized he shouldn't be in Europe and should be with his family. So he teleported over to Los Angeles and went to go find Taylor and Phil. He went to the front desk and asked the person working there (Adam Driver) if Taylor had been there

Adam had said "Yeah bro she went to a hotel. I can take you there, you know Im part beaver, so I'm... A Dam Driver"

Big Bird said sure but had to endure really bad Christmas music for 10 hours straight.

When he got to the hotel(which was a nice hotel he gave it 5 stars on yelp) he saw Taylor sitting on a bench and Phil playing with his cousin, John Cena.

Big Bird had a feeling that Lucius was going to hurt Phil and Taylor. What he didn't know what that Lucius had diet coke and mentos, and was going to use those to attack the hotel in an attempt to kill Phil. (Omg crazyyy)

Big Bird walked over to Taylor and tried to convince her to come to Europe with him, because it was safer. But Taylor didn't want Phil to be raised in France because she said that Lightning McQueen wasn't French. Taylor went upstairs to go get her 1.3 million piece lamb nuggets. As she was doing this, Lucius was getting the 70000 gallons and 200000000 mentos ready to fire. When he hit the button on the remote, it would go off. But he didn't hit the button, it fell out of his hands. Big bird had heard him coming because Lucius was in a loud helicopter, and how nobody else heard it was weird. Big Bird only had time to jump up and protect Phil and John before the explosion came. (wow I'm so original)

RIP Taylor Swift

Anyway Big Bird cried then had Phil and John taken away to Ohio where Phil would meet... Daddy Draco

I saw you hanging out with Kaitlyn yesterday
R-R-Rebecca it's not what you think-

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