As I had settled the coffee in front of him, he did not thank me. My eyebrows raised but did not dare to make a comment about his manors. I sat down and started to eat. Well, the stress his presence gave me, made it difficult for me to eat.

During breakfast I made nervous glances to my so-called husband, hoping nothing would fall to his disliking. Fortunately, for me, he made no comments about the food. It was considered rude to not thank the person who made the meal, but seeing as who I was dealing with, I was already happy with the fact the food was to his liking.

Edric suddenly stood up and said, "I'm going, stay in the house. When I come home, I want dinner to be ready." Without sparing me a glance he left the kitchen. I wanted to stop him, asking at what time he was back, but I did not get the chance to.

I sat there flabbergasted. How was I supposed to know all these things? I sighed. I looked around me to investigate the kitchen a bit more as I had now the opportunity to do so.

The kitchen was even bigger than ours. The counter, the cabinets, and the kitchen appliances were all in dark toned colours. Mostly black and dark grey. Just like the rest of the house. If you wanted to find colours, well this was not the place.

When I had started on cleaning up, I saw three women walking into the kitchen. They were all talking to each other, so they did not notice me at first.

I had made eye contact with the youngest of them all and she halted in her steps. "Who are you?" The woman said in stern voice. I opened my mouth to answer but was cut of my one of the oldest of the women. "Have you not been listing? Master told us that his wife was going to live with him." She hissed at the younger one.

"My apologies ma'am, my name is Linda. I'm the head maid here and these are Debra and Stella. We do the cleaning when master is away, and we are gone when he is back. I hope we are not an inconvenience to you." Linda said with a smile.

"Y-you are not an inconvenience and you don't have to apologize. Please call me Ava." I said as I held my hand out. I, on the other hand, had not forgotten my manors, like Edric had this morning.

The three women looked at me like I said water could burn. They looked at my hand and than at me. "Y-you don't s-shake hands... H-have I o-offended you?" I really thought this was the proper way to greet people.

When those words left my lips the three women panicked. "No, no ma'am, I-I mean Ava. Its just... master is not really..." Linda became silent, seeking the words to describe that cruel man. Afraid of offending her boss, I finished her sentence, even thought I found it equally terrifying. "P-polite. I know."

An awkward silence filled the kitchen, but the youngest, Stella, helped us all out. She held her hand out and said, "It is nice to meet you Ava. But you must know if master is around, we absolutely cannot call you by your name." I shook her hand and nodded my head.

"We will get to work than..." Debra said.

"Oh wait, do you perhaps know when Edric is coming home?" I asked.

"Most of the time he's home around seven." Linda answered me.

"Why? If I may ask." Stella said.

I saw a disapproving look from Linda and Debra, but they did not utter a word as a sincerely answered, "So I know when to have his dinner ready."

"Oh." Was all she said and went to work. I saw this as my chance to explore the house. Not one of the rooms here had a hint of colour. Everything was dark, just like him, I thought. Luckily for me the house had a library.

Upon entering the room, I saw a couple of boxes stacked onto each other. I smiled, that were my things. I wanted to give my brother a big hug and kiss for doing this to me. He had sent most of my things to Edric's house before the wedding, just in case.

I started to empty them. When I wanted to place the books on the shelves, I noticed the books were not ordered. Not on name nor on genre. This irritated me. How can you pick out a book if you do not know where to look?

I left my books in the boxes and started to organise this library.

The whole day I was occupied with placing the books in the right order that I had forgotten about the time. It was half past six. I cursed. I left the library as quick as I could and dashed my way into the kitchen.

I quickly looked through the cabinets and fridge to decide what to make. Pasta would be the fastest way to make dinner and I could make it fancy with the salmon I had found. When I was frantically running around in the kitchen because I could not find a thing, the three ladies entered the kitchen.

"Ava are you alright?" Stella asked.

I scratched my head. "Uhm, I don't know where any of the stuff I need is kept here in the kitchen and I am running low on time." I panicked a bit.

"Don't worry, love. We will help you." Debra said. With the four of us dinner was almost done before seven. Just when I had said I could manage things on my own and had thanked them for their service, Edric came in.

I did not need to utter a word to the ladies as they got the hint to leave. But Edric stopped them. "Why are you three still here? You know I want you to be gone before I come home."

I did not let the ladies answer for themselves as it was I who was responsible here. "I-It was my fault Edric. I-I needed their help."

With one movement from his head the ladies left.

"Why did you need their help and why is dinner not ready yet?! I asked for such a simple request but you, dumb slut, can't follow a command, can you?" He hissed at me.

"I-I'm so-"


"I don't want to hear any god damn excuses. Get my dinner." He growled.

Edric had slapped me, he had slapped me in the face. Tears appeared in my eyes. When I was not fast enough, he slapped his hand on the table. "Hurry!"

Within a couple of seconds, I had served dinner. In silence we ate our food.

I only hoped Edric would remain calm for the remainder of the night. As I was scared. Scared of him. Scared of getting hurt again. 

A/N: please let me know what you think thus so far.

Thanks for reading and stay safe!

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