Chapter 9

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Warning: sensitive topics will be discussed in this chapter which can be triggering. Please read at own risk!

The morning I woke up I felt awful. Memories of the last nigh were flashing through my mind. Tears streamed down my face. The way Edric treated me last night was not how a man should treat a woman. What did I do to him? What had I done to made him act the way he did to me?

I turned to my side, creating as much distance between us as possible. Only it hurt, a lot. My whole body felt sore. I could already see the bruises on my wrists. I did not want to know how many more were painted on my body.

I heard a grunt coming from the other side of the bed. My body tensed. Please go back to sleep, I thought.

"You awake?" I heard Edric asking me in a raspy voice.

I did not dare to speak a word. I was afraid if I made a squeak, he might do something to me, something that would hurt me.

"I know you are awake. Get me breakfast." He demanded.

Just as I wanted to sit up and leave the bed, I noticed I was still naked. So, I remained on my spot.

"God dammit woman! Be useful and make me breakfast!"

I flinched. I held the bedsheet tight to my chest as I sat up slowly, trying not to wince. It hurt down there.

My breathing was picking up as I saw the evil man laying there, like nothing had happened last night. I was hesitant to move further.

Edric caught up on that as he said, "Closet is through that door, bathroom on the other side." His voice ice cold as he pointed the doors out to me.

I did not wait any longer and made my way quickly to the closet, hoping he would not see me naked. Even though he had seen everything last night... I wanted to cry. I felt so ashamed. I did not even put fight. I... I just let it happen.

Without really trying I got some dress of the rack, took some underwear with me and luckily for me the walk-in closet and bathroom were joined. So, I did not need to go back in the bedroom.

I put my things on the counter and made my way to the shower. But that is when I saw it, the bruises. I looked awful. My whole body was covered with blue, purple, and yellow marks.

I clasped my hand over my mouth to silence the sobs escaping from my lips. Edric was not only evil, but he was also cruel. Never in my life I had hated another soul, but he came close to it. How could someone be this vicious? Not once had I been taught that people could be like this. No one, not even my brother. The novels, books, and movies I had access to never showed this much cruelty. Why had nobody told me?

I entered the shower cabin and cried. I really was naïve and ignorant like father said.

When I was done, I quickly made myself ready to make breakfast for my 'husband'. Now, I was glad I had all those cooking lessons. This way I could not make Edric even more angry.

I made some French toast, pancakes and chopped up some fruit. When I was setting up the kitchen table Edric walked in. My body tensed at his presence. After last night, after he showed me, he was capable of I became afraid of him.

"Where is my coffee?" He said irritated.

I flinched at his harsh words. I had put on the last bowl of fruit on the table as I answered him, "I-I did not know w-what you wanted to d-drink, s-so I waited." I stuttered softly. In the hope not to anger him more.

"Well, I want my coffee, black. Nothing added to it. Be quick." After he said those words, I scrambled to the coffee machine. As I made coffee for him, I made tea for myself. Within two minutes two hot beverages were served next to the breakfast I made.

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