Instead I walked out and went to HoneyDukes instead, "Wait up!", I internal groaned because now the twins were going to follow me around. So much for having some time alone. They both ran towards me and stopped in front of me trying to catch their breath. "Can I", I said in a very irritating tone hoping they would get the idea and leave.

"We saw you were alone and thought it was nice to keep you some company". I let out a groan these two people were frustrating me. "Who are you?!", I yelled out in frustration.

"We are the twins", they both said at the same time. I really wanted to pull out some of my hairs in frustration. "Yes I know that! But I can't tell you guys apart", this made both boy laugh.

"You two are impossible", I continued walking towards the candy shop and both boys followed me inside making fun of me for not being able to tell them apart.

"You know Ash if you were to take your time and know us better than maybe you can tell us apart then", one of the twin said giving me a sympathetic smile.

"Okay fine then", I rolled my eyes and kept looking through the aisle of candy. "We are very lucky you know", the other twin pushed past me. I looked up at him and gave him a questionable look.

"Well we are lucky to be pure bloods if not you wouldn't even be talking to us", the boy said in a very sarcastic tone. Only then I finally realized who was who.

"Got it! Your Fred", I stood up to him very confidently about my answer. He nodded at me telling me I was right.

"You are George because you have more sympathy than your brother", and George smiled. Though I don't know why they both always dressed so alike. I think this made it even more confusing.

"You see how hard was it?", Fred snickered

"Oh please give me a break", I put my hands up in surrender and we all laughed. The three of us continued to look around to find more candy. I ended up paying for their candy too, I was feeling generous and I liked that they were keeping me company. It's been awhile since anyone got me to laugh and these two didn't even have to try so hard.

We walked around the village a little longer, these two were going around pranking people and I all I could do was sit back and enjoy the scene unfold. We walked back to Hogwarts and they were talking about the whole thing with Umbridge, how tomorrow was her last day teach and Dumbledore would come back now. We also talked about each other future, the boys wanted to put up a shop of pranks. We were so into the conversation that we felt we got to Hogwarts so quickly.

"Alright it's passed curfew so we gotta make a run up to our dorms". We ran across the courtyard as quietly as we could but the candy in our bags were shaking all over the place.

We ran passed the library and turned a couple corners and down the hallways, we made it outside my common room. "Thank you guys for tonight I had fun. Also just because you guys are pure bloods doesn't mean that the only reason I'm talking to you guys, I think you two are cool in general", I smiled at both boy and they were both stares at me in awe.

Both boys came to hug me, "it's fine we know we are cool and plus we also know your just trying to live up to your fathers expectations". George shrugged his shoulders nervous of not knowing how I would take his comment.

"Plus I think your so much better than to live up to the ideology, times are changing Ash". Fred now pressing his lips together. I know they were right times are different now and maybe they were right.

"Goodnight boys", I gave them both a kiss on the cheeks and they went completely red. I chuckled at their react and went inside.

I walk inside and Pansy is sleeping on the couch, I've notice that since we've stopped talking she avoids me and was now spending her time here. I felt bad and I really missed her but how was I supposed to be the one to bring it up. Maybe I should try talking to her tomorrow.

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