Chapter 2: Surviving the Radiation

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After we were done sealing the windows, I wanted to distract Maria from the two unfortunate deaths. I quickly buried the bodies and we got in the car to go to the grocery store. Since the bomb went of in LA and we were in Washington, we had time to spare. We quickly started grabbing canned food and medicine. We rushed home just in case.

We pulled out checkers and started playing. "Why are we doing this," Maria asked. "We obviously won't live through this. At least I won't. I'll just slow you down." She started to cry. "I walked over to her and whispered in her ear, "I will not let you or me die. Now that mom's gone, you and me are both my responsibility. And even if one of us does die, we can not lose hope. We know each other well to trust that we won't die.But if you think like that, it is a very real possibility. So cheer up and this will be a much easier time for you." She whispered back to me "thank you Matthew."

With that, we went back to playing. For about three more days, we slept, ate little, then slept some more.

Finally, the radio came on. "What's going on," I thought, "the radiation should be blocking out the signal." Then a mans voice came through. "If you are hearing this message, it means the radiation has cleared. You are free to exit your house without being cooked from the inside out. But," the man warned, "do not attempt to drink the water, it is contaminated. Your best bet for food is to only eat canned food and bottles water. You should get a weapon before leaving your house. You have no clue what kind of mutant animals are out there, waiting for the taste of blood." And with that, it was over. I rushed up to tell Maria. She was overwhelmed with relief. "You ready to see our new neighbors," I asked teasingly. She just nodded her head.

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