1: An Eventful Train Ride

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"Hurry on now or you won't get a good spot." My Father said as we stood in Kings Cross Station. We had arrived at 10.55am, he had planned to come earlier but I insisted on taking my time to get ready and make sure I had all my belongings packed despite the fact he would most likely be able to return home should I desperately need something.

I grabbed my Trunk and cat carrier before saying a short goodbye to my father and running through the wall between the Platforms. People were bustling through, waving and saying goodbyes to their families. I walked through the crowd, making sure not to knock into anyone, and stepped onto the Hogwarts Express, pulling my trunk up with me.

I walked through the carriages of the train, all of the compartments appeared to be full, before I came across a seemingly empty one, I opened the door to see a man sleeping and quietly went into the compartment, so as not to disturb him. I'm sure he wouldn't mind, however, it was rather suspicious that a random man was on the train. I set my trunk down before sitting down myself. I looked out the windows at the families waving their relatives away and felt the train start to move beneath me. I steadied myself and got lost into thoughts of the next year.

My thoughts were interrupted not even 5 minutes later as the golden trio opened the compartment door. "All the other compartments are full. Can we join you?" Harry asked. I nodded mutely and shuffled my things out of the way. Whom I knew to be Hermione and Ron sat across from me, next to the sleeping man and Harry sat beside me.

"Urm, I'm Liana. Suppose I better introduce myself if we'll be sharing a compartment." I said coolly. "Nice to meet you. I'm Harry." He said, holding out a hand. I shook it gently and gave him a soft smile. "I'm Hermione and that's Ronald." The bushy haired girl stated, pointing to the red haired boy beside her. He scowled at her and said "you know I don't like to be called that." He turned to me before saying "you can just call me Ron."

I nodded again. "Okay." I said softly. "Shouldn't you be sitting in the Slytherin compartments with your friends?" He added. I looked at him confused. "I didn't know there were set compartments." I muttered a little shyly. "There aren't but there's sort of like a room for each of the houses." Ron said. "That's where Malfoy usually sits." He said in a harsh tone.

"Oh, right. I guess I could go see them later but for now I think I'll be fine without them." I said. "Ron don't be so rude. If she wants time without her friends that's understandable. I surely can't handle you all the time." She scolded. I giggled lightly before saying "My friends do get quite a bit much for me sometimes. Always getting up to no good."

She nodded. "See exactly!" She said more to Ron than I. "That's exactly what these two are like, I suppose it's a boy thing." She giggled. I laughed lightly at her obvious frustration. "I suppose." I replied.

We had small talk for about an hour, getting introduced and passing time. There was silence before I turned to harry. He looked at me quizzically so I blurted out what had been on my mind since he first came into the compartment, the first time I had properly seen him up close. "I'm sorry but have we met before? You look really familiar, I feel like I've known you forever." I blurted.

"I don't think so, although I could say the same for you. Perhaps we've just seen each other in passing, before school." He replied. "I guess that is possible." I stated. A few minutes passed in an uncomfortable silence.

"I'm going to go find my friends now and check if they got on okay. It was nice finally meeting you all." I said politely. I got a chorus of "you too's." and "goodbye's". I shut the compartment door behind me and went to put my trunk and Salazar into the storage carriage.

I walked down the train until I found a room with more familiar looking people. I stepped inside and looked around. It was the Slytherins. I looked around and caught Draco's eyes before noticing the group of boys sitting at opposite facing train seats.

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