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So this is not another one shot as you can see but I just wanted to tell all of you that on Valentine's Day since I will be doing nothing because my parents are going to go see 50 shades of grey and leave me at home to babysit my little brothers and my best friend is going to come over but she has a boyfriend so she will be texting him the whole time.... I'm a loner.

But anyway not the point so I have came up with an idea since I have three one shot books, Crazy phan one shot, Sad phan one shots, and phan ones shot. So I have decided to write three special one shots about Valentine's Day but, one will be sad, one will be insane, and one will be so sweet, so yeah check those out on Saturday.

Have fun with that and on Valentine's Day don't worry if you don't have a date you should just draw cat whiskers on your face and watch Dan and Phil or read fanfiction like I will be doing. Some day someone will love you for that habit, but yeah the same thing will be on the other one shots.

Bye nemos!

NoNameNemo, Out!

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