Description (ch-0)

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Your the daughter of Hagoromo Otsutsuki who is actually a goddess in human form. Suddenly at the age of six, you feel your powers of goddess rush back to you. You did not know weather it was good or bad. You did not want the power seeing how your grandmother was consumed by power and turned evil. You ask the sage of six paths to cast a sealing jutsu on you, you own father. Of coarse you were opposed by your brothers but Hagoromo and Indra decided it would have been the best course of action. You say your good bye and leave.

Hello guys!!! This is my first lemon. And that was a small description of your past. Now for your character.

Name: Y/N (what ever you choose actually, doesn't have to be your name)

Height: Short (even when you grow up)

Chakra nature: Everything (you are a goddess after all)

Weakness: You have sealed your powers again, letting you grow your powers like every other kids. Bare in mind, Naruto is more powerful than you when you grow up.

Streangth: You are great at inventing new jutsus or improving the previous ones.(Most jutsu's you invented are not that flashy but you do have a strong signature jutsu like Naruto.) You can still use all kinds of chakra nature, but have to learn the jutsus that use that nature.

looks: Up to you but make her pretty >.<

Oh and i do not own any of these characters, even y/n is owned by you. You should watch the official release(its not like you already watched it or something *sarcasm*).

Oh before i forget. Don't say I didn't warn you. It contains sexual contents but who am i to stop you? Its not like you are going to listen XD. Go ahead-

A Love For Eternity {Naruto X [female]Reader (Lemon)}Where stories live. Discover now