" Well I've heard way to many 'I'm sorrys ' that they didn't mean. It's hard for me to believe it." I said

" Can I prove it to you ?" He asked

" Without anyone finding out that this conversation happened ? " I said

" Why do you hate me so much." He asked

" Because. Your an asshole. You use girls. You just want to use me. And you won't stop until I let you. And I'm not gonna get used again. " I said tears filling my eyes.

I looked away from him and he said ;

" Who hurt you ? "

Before I could say anything my father barged through the door.

I looked at him and he said ;

" Get over here ! "

I looked where Austin was and he wasn't there anymore.

I slowly walked to him and he grabbed my wrist and squeezed.

" I'm done with your bullshit. You've made me so proud and then you turn into this. " he scoffed.

" Turned into what ? " I asked my voice cracking.

" I'm only with your mother for you. Your mother loves you and won't give you up so if I want you I have to have her. " he said squeezing harder and harder.

He let go and smacked me. I dropped to the ground and he repeatedly kicked me.

" Go to bed. " he said as he kicked me one last time.

He walked out of my room and slammed the door.

I laid on the floor and I heard someone walking towards me. They picked me up and set me on my bed.

" Are you okay ? " he asked

I looked to see Austin.

" Don't tell anyone.. " I whispered.

" I won't.. " he said

He walked to my bathroom and grabbed a towel and wetted it down.

He walked to me and softly cleaned up the cuts.

" Here's my number.. Text me if you need anything. " he said

He covered me up and turned off my light. He turned on my tv and walked to my balcony.

I closed my eyes and heard him whisper ;

" This is how I'm gonna prove it."

I heard the doors close and I fell asleep seconds later.

• next morning •

I turned off my alarm and slowly got up. I grabbed my phone and grabbed the paper next to it.

I sighed and hesitantly added the number to my phone.

I texted it and said ;

Hey it's ashton..

I locked my phone and walked to my bathroom.

I saw my cuts had dried up blood on them and my bruises were more purple. I grabbed my make up and covered them up. I lifted my shirt and saw bruises on my stomach. I sighed and heard my phone go off.

I grabbed it and it said ;

" Why are you texting me ? "

See. He doesn't mean it. I threw my phone onto my bed and tears filled my eyes. I'm tired of people lying to me. I'm tired of people using me. I'm tired of it all.

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