˜"*°•.˜"*°• intro •°*"˜.•°*"˜

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i thought it might be fun to tell you about myself before we start off this story. (if anyone even reads this) this is my introduction to you. :)

umm i suppose you can call me whatever you want, but my name is abigail.

i am bisexual. my pronouns are she/her.

i don't normally write stuff like this... i usually only write poetry.

i want you to help give me ideas to make this story better, or if you just have ideas for the plot, i would be more than happy to read them!

i will not be putting the honorifics on the names, because they confuse me a lot and i don't want to offend anyone by messing them up.

i also want to apologize now if any of the characters are a little ooc. i will probably do it a little just to make sure the story has somewhat of a plot, but i will try to keep them in character as much as possible.

while on the subject of the comments, i don't want anyone starting stupid comments fights. i hate them and they are very annoying, so if you could avoid that it would be greatly appreciated.

this story may or may not include lemons, but that is up to you. if you want me to, i will add them. if not, then i won't. i have never written them before, but there's a first time for everything. :)

warnings for the story:

- rape

- abuse

- language

notes for the story:

y/n - your name

l/n - last name

n/n - nickname

f/n - father's name

m/n - mother's name

e/c - eye color

h/c - hair color

h/l - hair length

there will probably be many inconsistencies in my posts because i just have a lot going on but i will try to write as much as possible as often as i can.

welp, i believe that's all i have for now. if you have any questions about the story or anything else feel free to ask, or if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to or if you just need to vent, i will happily help.

i hope you enjoy the story!

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