Chapter 1

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"HELP! HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE!" You cried out.

"Y/N STOP THAT. You are going to get us killed." Your brother, James grunted.

"James...James....I- I don't know what else to do. I am sorry I am just scared. I am extremely scared not only for myself but also for you, mom, and dad." You responded.

It was absolutely true, you had the right to be scared if anything very much terrified. After all, you and your older brother are being held hostage in a dark, ginormous basement. 

Shortly after you calmed yourself down, you heard loud footsteps. The man walked down the stairs, eyeing you through his balaclava. He walked towards you and your brother with a burner phone in his hand. He waved it in your face and said,

"Ready to say hi to rich ol' mommy and daddy. Yeah, let's do that. We wouldn't want them to think that you are both dead, at least not yet. Well, let's see where the cards fall. Maybe they will cough up some cash to save their beloved, spoiled kids."

"HA-PHEW!" You spat in the man's eye. "Come on you bastard. Call 'em, already!" The man cleared his throat, wiped his eyes, snickered, and dialed the number.



Your parents were sitting on the couch in their luxurious living room with Unit Chief Sam Cooper, SSA Gina LaSalle, John "Prophet" Simms, and Mick Rawson surrounding them when your father's phone rang. Your parents got startled when they heard the noise. Cooper reached his hand out to take the phone from your father. He then signaled Gina to get on the phone with him. Afterward, Cooper put the phone on speaker and you immediately started talking. 

"MOM?! DAD?!"

"Yes, y/n we are right here," Cooper responded. 

"Hello, honey. Is your brother with you?" Gina asked. 


The man brought the phone over to James' lips so he could speak. He muted the phone and gave James some instructions before putting the speaker on again for him. 

"This is James. I am right here with y/n and the man. The man says that he wants to talk to you now." Your brother said. 

Your parent's eyes widened. They looked at Gina and then at Cooper. Cooper looked back at them and noticed how scared they were. He then looked at Gina and then at the phone.

"This is Mrs.Tryson. Hello, This is Mrs.Tryson." Gina said in a calm tone.

"This is Mr. Tryson. We are both right here and ready for you to speak." Cooper said. 

"I know a lot about y/n and James. Therefore I know not only their father and his voice but also their mother and her voice. Get off the phone, I want to speak with Mr. and Mrs.Tryson." The man responded. 

Cooper muted the call. 

Prophet looked at Gina and Cooper and said,

 "This is not good. Now, this guy knows we are here which increases the chances of y/n and James being in more danger than what they are already in. This is just awful, plain awful. God only knows what that son of a-"

Mick escorted Prophet into the kitchen and talked him down before he could continue expressing his fury. 

"Listen, man, I understand that you're angry but you can't let your emotions get in the way of what is happening. We don't want the Trysons to feel uncomfortable around us. We want them to feel secure and know that they can trust us being here because ultimately our only goal is to bring their son and daughter back to them." Mick said.

Behind The Rifle (A Mick Rawson x y/n Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя