It looked like she wanted to go against him, but one look of him and she had left the room without any complaints.

Without saying anything I walked to my brother and hugged him. I had to hold back my tears. His arms made their way around me and he rubbed my back and said sweet nothings to me.

"I don't want to get married, Xavier." I muttered into his chest.

• • •

We were driving in a limousine to get to hotel where the wedding was held. In the care were my brother and mother-in-law. If my hands were not shaking before, they were for sure shaking now. Xavier placed his hand over mine, in an attempt to comfort me.

The car stopped. We had arrived.

Miranda left first, then my brother and I was the last one to exit the car with the help of Xavier. Miranda directed us through the hotel to get to the right place.

Xavier had managed to convince my father and Miranda to walk me down the aisle. Father agreed almost right away, Miranda not so much. She said it had to be my father as that was the tradition, but as my father was the reason of my current misery, I did not want him to be the one to have such an important role during the wedding.

The bridesmaids and their dates were already lined up, we had to joined them in the back. I had no idea who these people were, but apparently Miranda knew them.

Sooner rather than later the big doors were opening. One by one, the couples made their way to the front and then finally it was my turn.

I looked at my brother one last time and he tried to give me comfort but failed.

If it were not for my brother, I had not made it to the end of the aisle. Again, soon he had to leave me and handed me over to Edric, who had a sinister smile on his face.

I gulped. With a shaking hand I grabbed his arm and linked our arms together. The last few steps we had to take together until we were in front of wedding officiant.

He started to speak about how precious love is and that love was meant to be cherished. Honestly, I did not really pay attention to him. My mind was a mess, and I had a hard time grasping the fact I was getting married to someone I did not love, not like, not even knew for the slightest bit.

Fear filled my body. It looked like the wedding officiant was done with his speech and it was now time to get us married.

"Do you, Edric Verlice, take this woman to be your wedded wife?"

"I do."

A shiver ran down my spine.

"Do you, Ava Angelo, take this man to be your wedded husband?"

I did not answer immediately like Edric did. I was scared and lost for words. Edric had at first still his evil smile on his face, but soon changed when I still had not uttered a word. His dark eyes looked down at me, telling me to obey.

"I-I do." I stuttered.

The wedding officiant clapped his hand and smiled brightly. "Then, by the power of your love and commitment, and the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!"

A shock wave went through my body. Kiss. How could I have forgotten this important part?! I had never kissed someone and this man in front of me did not deserve of stealing my first kiss away from me. I did not want to kiss this evil man.

Only Edric thought different. Before I could react, his lips were on mine, but it did not stop there. He had forced his way into my mouth. I did not like it, but he had already pulled away when I wanted to push him away.

He took my hand in his and turned to the crowd. Everybody was clapping, smiling, and cheering.

I felt a tuck at my hand, and I looked at Edric. He made his smile bigger, signalling me to do the same. I guess, I had not looked happy as I needed to be because in front of these people, we had to play the role of a happily new married couple.

After the ceremony, the event had shifted from one big hall to another big room where tables and chairs were set up. We went to the big table in the middle, where we would be settled for the rest of the party. Many people came up to us to congratulate us with our marriage.

I felt overwhelmed. I was not used to this many people and the worst thing of it all, I did not know any of these people who came up to us. Just when Xavier wanted to save me, Edric announced that it was time for us to leave.

Somehow it became to much for me in that moment. I had not thought through anything. I had forgotten about the kiss, the people, and the fact I was moving in with Edric right after the wedding.

I needed to stop time and have a moment for myself, only I did not get the chance to. Before I knew it, we were already in the car, heading to his, no, our home.

"God, could you have not tried a bit more like you were happy to marry me. You almost looked like a damsel in distress who needed to be saved. You know there are many women who want to marry me, so be lucky you got to." Edric said incredibly irritated.

My hands started to shake again. "I-I'm sorry Edric, I d-did not m-mean to." I looked down to my lap with my head down.

I heard a scoff coming from Edric, but he remained silent for the remainder of the drive.

When we arrived, the car stood on a gigantic driveway in front of an even bigger mansion than my father's, which if found quite impressive.

Edric had left the car, without looking back at me. I followed him suit, into the enormous house.

"I'm not in the mood to give a bloody house tour so you will have to figure that one out for yourself. Just follow me for now." Edric said in a cold voice.

I did not want to follow him, I wanted to stay away from as long as possible. Only he did not like my hesitant demeanour. He grabbed my upper arm and started to drag me upstairs.

Fear made me speechless. I did not dare to utter a word nor did I dare to make any move against him. You could see the muscles under his black suit, and I knew I was no match for him.

He had dragged me into a big master bedroom. "This will be our bedroom. You and I will sleep here together, and I don't want a resistance on that matter. I like the warmth of woman in my bed, even though you are not exactly my taste. Like I said, I like experienced women." While he said that he took of his tie and jacket.

I stood there paralysed. In who's name wanted he me in his bed. We barely knew each other.

"I-I would like to s-sleep somewhere else p-please." I said in soft voice, trying to not anger him.

He laughed. "You think you can make demands to me? TO ME?! You will do as I say!" He roared through the bedroom. "Now strip. Let's consummate this marriage."

I shook my head. "Do not make me to come get you." He growled. Instead of me complying to him, I stepped back until my back hit the door behind me.

He sighed angerly and stalked his way over to me. He grabbed my arm and threw me on the bed. "No, no, no, please, I beg you." I pleaded to him with tears in my eyes.

"You only make this so much harder for yourself, little bird." He said in a dark tone, his dark brown eyes filled with lust. Something I had never seen in a man eyes before.

I was absolutely terrified. This evil man in front of me was going to take my innocence away from me and there was nothing I could do about it.

I felt utterly helpless. 

A/N: extra long chapter because I did not upload yesterday!

Please let me know what you think thus so far.

Thanks for reading and stay safe!

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