Coffee, Cats, and a Caterpillar

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At first glance Akiro Uni looked like a normal teenager. He has shoulder leangth black hair--but you could see his green roots growing in--, and pircing blue eyes. A bright smile was plastered on his face. Unlike other teenagers though he was only ever seen at his work in a local cat cafe. The cafe uniform was a simple one. It was simply a plain white long sleeve dress shirt, a grey vest, and black dress pants.

It was almost closing time and Uni was preparing a coffee for one of the regulars who always arrived ten minutes before they close. This regular is Uni's favorite because he is a underground pro hero. Right as Uni finished the coffee Shōta Aizawa walks in with two other people.

"Hey Shōta, I've got your coffee right here for you," Uni says. "Also is this the husband and son you've told me so much about?"

"Yes Problem Child, they are." Aizawa shoots back.

"Hey little listener, your Akiro Uni right?" The blond man asks.

"Yes, and you're Hizashi Yamada AKA Present Mic, correct?" Yamada just stares at Uni in shock so Uni turns to the teen about his age. "And you're, or at least you were Hitoshi Shinso, but do you go by Aizawa or Yamada now?" The insomniac looks Uni dead in the eye.

"I go by Aizawa, I look more like him then Papa anyway. Also can you get me the same thing as my dad?" Shinso replies.

"No problem, what would you like Mr. Yamada?" Uni asks as he starts preparing Hitoshi's coffee.

"Oh, can I get a slice of chocolate cake please? Also how did you know I was Present Mic? Usualy people can't tell? Did Shota tell you?" Yamada questions.

"Oh no, Shōta refused to say any more about your identity than that you were an extremely annoying guy. It's acctualy my quirk, I can analyze anyone I look at and get the basics their 'character profile' I guess you could call it. If I want more details then I'd have to focous more and that just gives me a major headache." Uni hands the coffee to Hitoshi and grabs a knife. "Do you want a big slice or a small one?"

"Just give him a small one, he's got enough energy as is" Aizawa buts in.

"Shōōōtaaaa" Yamada whines.

"Alright, one small slice of chocolate cake comming up." Uni slices of a peice of cake and hands it to the blond hero. "So Shōta have you caught that vigilante your always complaining about yet?" Uni asks. Of course Uni knew he hadn't as Uni, or rather Izuku, was said bothersome vigilante.

"I wish, the guy loves giving me a damn heart attack. Last time I saw him he threw a smoke bomb at me then jumped off a seven story building." Aizawa grumbles.

"I'm sure you'll catch him soon, I mean who can acctuly manage to always escape you, he's got to mess up sometime." Uni says.

"I've been chasing All Life for the past year, but he's been running for almost seven years now. We don't even know anything about him other than he's fast and stelthy. Damn vigilante."

"You complain, but I'm sure that as soon as he's caught you'll be missing your late-night chase buddie." Uni chuckles and walks back behind the counter. Just then Uni's coworker, Cath Meyal, walks out of the kitchen with a freshly baked lemon cake, nearly running into the black haired teen.

"Oh sorry Aki, I almost ran into you" Cath says imidiately.

"It's fine Cath, don't worry about it." Uni replies. "Do you need any help baking?"

"Nope, I've got the kitchen handled, besides you're so much better at making coffee than I am." Cath assures him.

"Alright, well just let me know if you need help." Uni says to his blue haired coworker. "Cath could you bring me the dishes from over there? I'm gonna start washing the dishes."

"Oh, sure," Cath replies as she grabs the few used coffee mugs and plates. Uni rolls up his slesves to just above his elbows and starts scrubing the dishes. "Hey Aki, are those scars from-?"

"Some of them are from him but plenty are from others. He prefered his quirk and that didn't tend to scar." Uni tells her, his cheerful voice contridicting the seriousness of their topic. Cath clenches her fists.

"I don't see why people would let him do that."

"Let who do what?" Hitoshi asks, genuinely interested.

"She means my old teachers let my childhood bully use his quirk against me" Uni buts in.

"What was his quirk" Hitoshi asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Explosions" At this Hitoshi looks at Uni with 'WTF' written all over his face. "He stoped when we were seven" Uni reasures him. Cath just whacks him on the back of the head.

"He stoped because you moved away, idiot. Stop making it seem like he changed for the better, for all you know he's blowing somebody up right now."

"Sorry...? And that hurt you know!" Uni shoots back at her. Aizawa stands up and puts 5227.40 yen on the counter ($50).

"Keep the change" He says as he walks out the door, with Yamada and Hitoshi following him. Cath and Uni quickly finish cleaning up and head to their homes. Of course Uni heads to the rundown warehouse he claimed. Inside the warehouse had been split in two with a make-shift second floor where he kept his 'bed' and a small cupbord.

Once he was down on the other side he went into one of his stoage containers and grabed out the one pair of casual cloths and a contact case. He quickly switches out of his uniform and takes out his contacts. He then stuffs them both in the container, closing it once again.


Izuku's POV

'He was complaining about not knowing anything about me so I think I'll give him something interesting tonight. My RSBs are ready for use anyway. Maybe I'll use some GBs too, I'd love to see that's aftermath. I'll need to be careful though, one wrong move and he might learn more than I want.'

Izuku looks outside and chuckles, it was nearly sunset.

'Ooh, I could use a GB on the human lie detector too, It would probably make them chase me more but their reactions would be worth it. Yeah, I'll do it tonight, maybe get his phone number too while I'm at it.'

Well that's chapter one, next chapter will probably be out in a week so stay tuned for that.

1066 words

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