Chapter 2 - Y/n vs Ragna

Start from the beginning

Yang: 'Eggman'? *laughs*

Even other audience members were laughing and chuckling at this name.

Naruto: *laughs* What kind of loser is named Eggman?

Bill: That's actually his villain name that Y/n gave him. Since some scientists are called eggheads, he decided to call the evil scientist Eggman.

Watts: So if he met me...

Bill: He would probably call you Eggface.

Crowd: *laughs*

Watts: *grumbles* Cocky bratt

Ragna: Not that it's any of your business, but our interests just so happen to align is all.

Noel: Wait, is Ragna a bad guy?

Bill: Sort of. He's an antihero.

Y/n zips at a high speed to behind him.

Y/n: Come on Ragna, you should know me by now. Anything involving Eggman is ALWAYS my business.

Ruby: Woah he's fast.

Bill: Well he was given the title 'Fastest Thing Alive' for a reason.

Izuku: How fast can he go?

Bill: Actually, no one knows. Not even me. (Everyone is surprised) But his average speed is 745 MPH.

Everyone is shocked right now. Not even the fastest people in the room could beat him in a race.

Ragna throws a punch at Y/n but he blocks it. So Ragna kicks and jumps into the air and tries to stomp on Y/n. But he jumped away at the last second.

Everyone is once again stunned. The fight had just started and they both looked equally matched.

A cloud of dust forms around Ragna and a silhouette of him is shown. Eventually, his power blows away the dust cloud.

Ragna: You're testing my patience.

Y/n: Oh sounds like you're not gonna spill the beans so easily.

Weiss: I think that's quite obvious.

Y/n: Alright then, you wanna go a couple rounds? Fine by me.

Ragna: I'll make sure you regret this!

Y/n: So you're not planning on using that Chaos Emerald to cheat, right?

Naruto: Chaos Emerald?

Everyone looked to Bill.

Bill: They are ancient artifacts filled with unlimited power. Chaos energy. They can be used in positive and negative ways.

Sakura K: You said 'they'. How many are there?

Bill: 7 in total. Collect them all, and you can be a source of power. More than anything else in the multiverse.

Everyone looked so shocked. Some scared, some surprised, others cackling because they wanted to use them for themselves.

Ragna: Don't flatter yourself.  I can defeat you with my own power!

Y/n: Suit yourself.

They dashed at each other and kept pushing back and forth. Y/n punches Ragna away and runs after him. Ragna lands, appears in front of Y/n, and knees him up into the air.

Y/n: Woah!

Ragna teleports high above him.

Ragna: I can teleport?

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