1. New Life.

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A/N = authors note
Are prefaced by this A/N, and are always in bold.

Y/N = your name.

E/C = your eye color.

H/C = your hair color.

If it is in italic, it means that it is a thought, a memory, or occasionally a dream. Use context and common sense to figure out which it is.

"Spoken words."

Important words.

"Projected words."


I shall write in anything else you need to know, as it comes along.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

Once upon a time in the vast and prosperous kingdom of Luccia, there lived a beautiful maiden by the name of Y/N. She was lovely and fair, and would have made an excellent wife, but no matter how many suitors sought her hand she would turn them all away.

She had a reason for her reclusive and flighty nature, one that she could not share with anyone. Everyone believed the tale that she was an orphan who had been raised by a single spinster who had taken pity on the young girl, but her true identity was Princess Y/N of the kingdom of Vascini.

Vascini had been involved in a war with the neighboring, much larger, county Luccia. In the end, her nation had been conquered and her family was slaughtered when she was still a small child. Against the odds, she had survived thanks to the efforts of her governess Enicia.

With their homeland abolished the two women had no choice but to go into hiding, for if the king of Luccia ever discovered that the daughter of his enemy had survived he would have had her killed just as he had killed the rest of her family. Y/N couldn't let herself get close to innocent people, not when being involved with her could get them killed if she was ever found out.

After the fall of Vascini and the end of the war, Y/N and Enicia had wandered aimlessly for several years living off of the kindness and compassion of others before they had eventually settled in Bocio; the capital city of Luccia. They lived on the outskirts of the city, in a small but tidy flat above a small store where they sold yarn, thread, and wool, it was a simple life but not unenjoyable.

On a fine morning in late spring, ten years after the murder of her family, Y/N awoke in the tiny bedroom that she shared with her governess and guardian to the sound of her housemate's voice carrying up the stairs from the shop below.


"SURE!" Y/N called back as she stretched her arms above her head and climbed out of the bed that she shared with her governess, "JUST LET ME GET DRESSED AND I'LL BE ON MY WAY!"

Standing, she crossed the room, the old wooden planks groaning under her light footsteps as she reached the table that held the washbasin. After cleaning her face she removed her nightdress, taking a moment to examine the burns on her forearms that she had received the night her country fell, before she pulled on a plain linen undergown followed by a dark red overskirt and a black front lacing corset, making sure that her scars were hidden under her sleeves to keep anyone from noticing and asking about how she got them. She looked at herself in the cloudy mirror that hung above the washbasin. She looked nowhere near as glittery and pristine as she had when she was still a beloved princess but that didn't matter, all that mattered was that she was alive.

Looking down at her wrist her eyes caught a flash of gold beneath her white sleeve. It was a dainty gold bracelet with a butterfly on it that her father had given to her, it was the only object she had left from her days as a princess, and she wore it day and night so that she would never forget where she had come from or the trials she had faced to survive.

Slipping into a practical pair of shoes she headed down the rickety staircase and entered the wool shop which she helped run with her governess, Enicia. Enicia was presently seated behind a spinning wheel, spinning thread as the air was filled with a light hum from the wheel.

She gave Y/N a relaxed smile, her once youthful face showing the first signs of age while remaining as elegant as always. She had once been a noble's daughter with the highest renown for her intelligence in their kingdom, which led to her being appointed as young Princess Y/N's governess, but since Vascini had fallen the relationship between the two women had become much more relaxed. What was the point of maintaining formalities when everything that gave their previous titles any value had been destroyed?

Now Enicia was somewhere between an older sister and a mother figure for Y/N. It was thanks to her efforts that the sheltered child that Y/N had been was able to survive the harshness and hardships outside of her father's protection.

Y/N smiled back warmly at the incredible woman to who she owed so much as she wrapped a plain shawl around her shoulders and grabbed a large woven basket from the corner of the open-air shop. "Good morning," she greeted the older woman, "you want me to go pick up dyes from the east quarter, right?"

"More like afternoon," Enicia chuckled, shaking her head at Y/N's habit of sleeping in. "And yes, we're running especially low on scarlet and indigo, but it would also be prudent to stock up on anything that the merchants have at a cheap price, but be careful."

Y/N nodded, smiling at the thought that even though it had been a decade since Enicia had been in any refined social settings she still retained her elegant mannerisms and way of speaking. "You don't need to worry about me," Y/N chirped, rubbing the scars on her arms subconsciously. "With everything else I've been through haggling merchants and ogling men won't bother me at all."


I am SO excited about this book! ^~^

I have been looking forward to writing it ever since The Butterfly Bracelet came to an end, so it is great to finally be getting to it.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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