It's Simple

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An AU where Sapnap, George, and Dream all live in the same city, go to the same school, are the same age... May or may not be based on actual events

"It's simple, George. When I want something, I get it. And I'll do anything I need to get it."

Those were the words George's best friend told to him and Sapnap, back in the sixth grade. They'd all been in the same school, same classes, since kindergarten, and they knew each other perfectly.

Or so they thought. 

One day, they'd received back their finals, the test that determined what their grade turn out would be. It was worth 50% of your grade, and could both help or completely destroy your entire year of hard work. 

So as the three sat expectantly, their names were called, one by one, to receive the dreaded piece of paper. Their teacher always handed out assignments backwards by your first name, as so someone whose first initial is X would be called first. 

Sapnap's name was called first out of the trio, and he hastily grabbed the paper and looked at it before even sitting down, letting out a sigh  of relief to see the big red letter B at the top of the paper. He smirked at his friends, showing off his grade.

George was panicking, but it was weird for him to see Dream sitting on his chair, with a look of disinterest.

George's name was eventually called, and he'd gone up to get his test, and when he sat down on his chair, he flipped over the paper.

At the very top, he saw an A. With all his tension flooding away, he let out a small "Yes" and showed his two friends, who were both congratulating him.

But finally, Dream's name was called out, to come to get his test. He merely grabbed the paper and tossed it onto his desk.

Confused, George grabbed the paper, his eyes widening when he saw the F at the very top.

George turned to his best friend, who'd never gotten anything lower than a B, with pure confusion, and sadness.

"What happened?" he asked quietly. Even Sapnap, who'd usually immediately tease his friends, looked upset on behalf of Dream.

"An F? Ugh" Dream groaned, rolling his eyes. George still sat there, confused as to why he was taking it so lightly.

"Dream?" Sapnap asked unsurely. He was just as worried, if not more, than George.

"Just- just give me a second" Dream said, holding out his hand, covering his eyes with the other. He looked down, and George panicked when he saw tears in his best friend's eyes.

"Dream- don't cry" George hurriedly sat up from his seat, but Dream just grabbed his test and walked to the teacher.

Sapnap and George were even more confused, as Dream stood next to the teacher, blatantly crying and saying something in a hushed voice.

"Is he okay?" Sapnap asked quietly.

"I hope so," Goerge said, still distracted by his curiosity at what was happening over there. 

But both boys stood in shock as Dream walked back to the desk, tears that were originally pouring down his cheeks practically gone, and a huge smirk on his face.

"D-Dream?" George asked unsurely. Dream stared him dead in the eyes and raised his eyebrows, sliding over the piece of paper with his grade on it. 

Goerge grabbed the paper, his eyes widening at the B written next to the crossed-out F. 

"Good on you man?" Sapnap laughed awkwardly, but George was confused.

"What did you do?" 

Dream let out a hushed laugh. "I told her a couple of lies, made up a story, did some shit, cried a bit, and now there we have a B."

"B-but why?" George asked, staring at his best friend who now didn't even look like he ever cried.

"It's simple, George. When I want something, I get it. And I'll do anything I need to get it."

George never thought much about the words, merely putting him on edge back then. But now, here he was, a whole ten years later, staring at Dream with fear in his eyes. The two stood in the dark obsidian room with glass separated the two. George could feel the heat from the lava door behind him, making sure they couldn't escape.

"Why," was all George could mutter. His best friend, since they were kids, stood on the other side of the glass, his arms chained to the wall, not a hint of sadness or regret on his face. George knew he was here for a reason, he'd threatened to kill the ex-president of a country he destroyed. He'd gone insane, he'd manipulated so many people into helping him do what he wanted them to. He'd hurt and destroyed so many people's lives, so many people's friendships, and relationships.

George knew that and understood that. But he never understood why. 

"Because I wanted things to go back to how they used to be" the voice of his best friend laughed, it was a cold and emotionless one.

"But that doesn't explain WHY you hurt so many people, why you hurt us," he referred to Sapnap, the completion of their trio, who was so mad he couldn't even bring himself to visit their friend in jail.

George felt his friend's eyes narrow towards him, and his breath hitched at the pure determination and happiness in his cold and dull eyes. The memories of their days back from grade school flooded his mind, and George realized how many red flags throughout their childhood he had missed. As Dream opened his mouth, George already knew exactly what he was going to say, and he felt stupid for not realizing how mentally insane the man that stood in front of him was.

"It's simple, George..."

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