Chapter 30. Masquerade: Whips

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She left my palace. She left me. Willingly. Again.

I exhale looking at the white rose placed next to my bed. A withered flower. I take it in my hand. She knows I secretly watched her in those gardens. She wanted to find peace in herself. I take in the flower's aroma. It is a sweet scent, almost the same sweat like her skin's.

Probably Porir was right. One day you will be the death of me as I can't find the way to your guarded heart.

I smile sadly. I'm not afraid of death if only she will be with me..

I want to go after her. My heart calls for it. I still can do that thought she already left Eden and maybe even Gharnatah. Find her. My heart hammers. Bring her back to me. By force. And what's then? In that case she will hate me. She will never look at me with the same sparkling eyes. Am I ready for it?



I turn to find Porir at the door.


-One of our men around Black hill swears that Black princess returned.


My fists break a coffin reacting to the brought news.

-She was in Gharnatah, wasn't she?!

-No one else could confirm that she returned. We have a man in the castle. He hasn't seen her either.

-How so?

He shrugs his shoulders. I growl in frustration. Lately my life started to turn around those two women. I thought at least we would have something normal when that army showed up, but.. they were cowards, retreated, run away as they started to smell our power.

-What a weakness!

I shake my head and laugh. Porir clearly understands I'm far from pleased. We could tear off their hearts from their chests like we always do. Set fear, make them tremble just from seeing us. Make their last moments in agony when we squeeze their bleeding hearts. They all are right about us. We are the death. We are sons of Helliana.


He interrupts my sentences in my head making me more pissed off. It's already enough the worst night of my life and he has courage..

-Black prince throws a party tonight.

-That's interesting..

He hooks my attention. I raise up my one eyebrow waiting for more.

-What is the reason?

-Pleasure. It will be Masquerade.

-Black prince..

I smile shaking my head. His name and reputation preceded him.

-In that case make yourself ready, Porir. We will scout if the Black princess returned.

Night comes to a full moon. We are dressed in black. If our guess is right, everybody will stick to that colour tonight. Porir and me enter the gates. For the first time we will visit the so known Black castle. And not invade it. I don't even remember when we had such times entering the front door as the guests.

This mansion looks more like mine, nothing like sparkling Eden palace. I mean the one I left in Cymru. This one has wider corridors, wider windows, some of them have colours. It should be beautiful here in the sunset. Now it is true beauty is shaded in late and darkness.

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