let's get our gambling freaks on!

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"so, newcomer. i've decided to have you and i gamble against each other, as an initial welcome-gift." the blonde who was sitting by the other side of the table, with her hair tied up into twin tails, stated. "i hope you don't mind."
"we've already set the surroundings up," the white haired, bedheaded transferee acknowledged. his classmate in front of him reminded him of a former classmate, based on looks. he could also see the resemblance through their personalities. yet, he had to leave that behind. he's in a new place, he had to keep his focus on what's in front of him. "there's no backing down now."
"before i explain the rules of this game, i'd like a betting price." the other classmates standing around the two in a circle murmured amongst themselves, something like that had never been suggested before. a little surprised did they have the right to be. "and since you're new here, and you're probably clueless about all this, i'll give you some betting currencies, for free." she gave a sweet smile.
"that's so nice of you!" they boy seemed delighted and excited to make the first choice of amount. but his aura dropped, "let's bet all of it."
there were gasps and exclaims heard all around the room. was this boy out of his mind?! what was he thinking?! even the blonde was taken aback by the statement. once everyone quieted down she let out a "what?". though, it didn't sound like a question.
"you heard me," the boy said, leaning back into his chair. "all of it, at one go."
"y-you're insane! you don't e-even know the amount i'm giving you!" the girl exclaimed while standing up, slamming one of her hands onto the table.
"do i really have to repeat myself? i said 'all of it'." he said, getting tired of having to answer the same question with the same answer more than needed.
"but it's your first time gambling here! you're basically a gamble virgin! you can't do that!"
"yes i can. what's stopping me?" he leaned forward, propping his elbows on the surface of the table and tangling his hands together. "we can only see where luck gets us, and i'd like to make this quick. so, please... what's your name again?"
"m-mary. mary saotome."
"nice to meet you mary, i'm


A/N - i'm so sorry

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