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Part 3: Bellatrix Black and something red and lacy
Stupid o'clock in the morning, Gryffindor common room, Halloween night.

Remus didn't think he was being totally anti-social.

He'd spent two whole hours at the Halloween Masquerade Ball and he thought that had been a nice enough amount of time. He'd stayed long enough for the food and a bit of chat and had left quickly when dancing was suddenly expected of him. Remus hated dancing. He also hated wearing a mask, because a mask meant people didn't know who you were, so they didn't leave you alone, and they actually tried to talk to you. Not that many of the people there would have known why the recent full moon had exhausted him so much.

So he'd escaped to the common room with a book and had been thoughtful enough to stay up and harass any student that looked like they might be up to no good, take a few house points and send them to bed. He thought it had been very selfless of him.

It was getting late now and, though he wasn't tired, he was aware that it would be worth his while to head off to bed and pretend to be asleep anyway. James had stomped up a couple of hours ago, Peter in tow, in a most foul mood. Presumably his attempts to make Lily Evans jealous had not worked at all and, horror of horrors, she may have actually been having a nice time with her own date instead of spending her time worrying about his. The poor girl had probably been quite pleased, thinking that maybe he would leave her alone for once.

He didn't really want to go upstairs. James had been muttering about firewhisky on his way up there, and the last thing Remus felt like putting up with was a maudlin James Potter after half a bottle of spirits, or Peter's excitable drunken babbling.

Almost the last thing he felt like putting up with.
Certain persons had decided to go to the ball dateless so they could sleaze on everyone in sight behind the safety of their mask, however it was well after 1am and Remus was pretty sure every other member of their house was in their dormitories, so...

It would definitely be best not to be here to have to listen to whatever could have kept Sirius out so late. He was just beginning to collect his books together when his friend flolloped through the portrait-hole.

Sirius staggered to his feet, standing ten feet from Remus, looking at him with big scared eyes, his hair wildly tousled, and his mouth a small 'oh' of pain and confusion.

Odder than that, of course, was the fact that he was completely naked save for a pair of lacy women's knickers.

'Sirius... what--' He really didn't want to know, but then he kind of did. 'Fuck off,' the thing told him and made for the stairs.


He grabbed his books and followed him up the stairs and into their dormitory. Sirius didn't seem to care for the beds, or even finding himself some decent clothes; he headed straight into the bathroom.

Remus hovered nervously in the middle of the room, unsure what to do, and only vaguely registering that James and Peter seemed to have passed out, sprawled on Peter's bed. Clothes, he thought.

He grabbed the nearest dressing gown and was about to throw it though the bathroom door when he was interrupted by a loud retching.

'Sirius? Sirius, have you been drinking?' A given, surely.

His only reply was more retching, a choking noise, even more retching, and finally the sound of vomiting. Oh good, thought Remus, here I am again, happily minding my own business, then finding myself faced with three pissed teenage boys.


He threw in the dressing gown and sat on his bed to wait it out. He didn't fancy going in there and holding Sirius' hair back for him; it served the bastard right.

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