[2] The Deceased Emperor

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Reader POV (age 16 year x818)

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Reader POV (age 16 year x818)

It was a cold winter's morning in December when I heard rushing about in the palace.

"What's going on?" Dawn asked me, her twin following.

"I don't know." I stood up and put my book down, marking the page and leaving the courtyard where a hot spring's heat was keeping us warm in the bitter cold.

"I love the cold," Mei sighed as my sisters all followed me.

I saw people carrying someone on the royal stretcher.

Their hand fell out of the stretcher and a piece of paper dropped out of their hands.

I picked it up and it was an ambush warning from the Ishiran kingdom.

"Your Highness," the second head guard Zora Shang bowed to me, sadness in his sapphire eyes. "Come with me."

I nodded and told my sisters to stay put, Mei reassuring me she would make sure they did with a knowing glance.

Zora guided me into a different hall. "Your father and my father both were found this morning with other soldiers on the Kunlun Shan mountains this morning."

My eyes widened when I listened to what he said.

"It was the Ishiran kingdom. My father's surving scouts say that the red flags of the Ishiran kingdom were seen on the arrows that killed them." Zora looked down.

"I understand." I patted his shoulder and felt chills. "I shall tell my sister. Thank you, Zora."


I stopped and turned my head. "Yes, Zora?"

"You are to become the empress of the Shigami empire," he said as he got onto his knee and bowed his head. "I've known you since we were children. I will serve you until the gods above so choose to take us back to the heavens with our ancestors. I will forever remain loyal to you."

"Thank you, Zora. And I believe you are now assuming your father's position as the head guard?"

"I am." He nodded and rose. "I will protect you with my life, Princess."

I nodded once and turned back inside, shivering at the cold.

He took off his cloak and draped it around my shoulders. "You're cold."

"It is the weather, noble guard."

"Allow me to give you my cloak. It will protect you from the cold."

I gave him a smile. "Thank you, Zora."

He escorted me back to my sisters who all looked at us with amusement twinkling in their (e/c) and brown eyes.

They knew of my close relationship with the head guard.

"Sisters, come with me. I've terrible news."

[Throne of Gods] Yandere! Emperor! x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now