[1] The Very Beginning

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No One's POV

In the year X802, the royal palace erupted in cheers for a daughter was born to the newly crowned Emperor Ying Yue.

It was the year of the dragon and already, the young heiress held the Tang dynasty's magical attribute: to communicate and harness the powers of a dragon.

It was a cold winter's morning on January 1st.

The young emperor kissed his wife Empress Li-Na's forehead as the young parents stared down at their daughter.

"She will possess the powers of the dragons," Ying Yue promised. "And I will be with her to raise the power she holds to benefit both our empire and our family."

"Let's name her (y/n) Fushun Tang," Li-Na suggested.

"A beautiful name," Ying Yue nodded with satisfaction. He picked up his newborn daughter. "Crown Princess (y/n) Fushun Tang."

The officials ran through the streets, holding lanterns and waking up the people who were sleeping.

"A princess! A princess was born!"

As it was the new year, the people of Imperial Shigami were excited that their beloved emperor and empress had a healthy child that would someday marry into another royal family or perhaps a noble house to strengthen the country.

The official historian of the palace recorded that the princess was born at 12:03 am on January 1st in the year X802, the year of the dragon.

Fireworks were put to the sky to celebrate the birth of the next ruler.

In the neighboring kingdom of Ishiro, the lights could be seen past the Great Wall that divided the two lands from ever meeting aside from trade.

The emperor in this land could see the lights staring up in the oil basins as the cheers of the Shigami people could be heard even from the highest mountains.

"It seems a princess was born," the Emperor Kail said as he looked down at his grandson Kai. "Do you know what that means, Kai?"

"No, Grandfather."

"It means you might marry her one day," Emperor Kail of the Ishiran empire said. "So make sure you grow strong, okay? Make sure your old man doesn't get too hell-bent on revenge."

Prince Kai looked over at his father who was watching with a feral glint in his amber eyes. "Okay, Grandfather."

However, Prince Kai's father Crown Prince Kaito could only smirk as he planned his revenge on the Shigamian kingdom for betraying him by letting his lover marry another.

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