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Rough translation: "The Golden Dragon of Unity will smile at you, the eldest daughter of Emperor Ying Yue".

Crown Princess (y/n) Fushun Tang was supposed to succeed her father to the imperial throne of Shigami in the year X818

However, her allies have turned against her and she doesn't have the support of all her people. Why? It's simple: she's a girl and has never stepped outside the palace.

Yet she is the only one of her five sisters that inherited the Tang dynasty power of communicating with dragons.

The princess was then made aware that their neighbors of Ishiro would attack if she rejected the wedding invitation of the cruel cold-blooded emperor there.

Now she's trapped and must find her way out from her misfortune of inheriting an empire raged with secrets, tragedy, and betrayal all within a crown of thorns.

Except...two dragons were born in the same year.

One destined to be the hero.

And the other the villain.


This is an ORIGINAL book.

Please do not copy anything that may appear in this story.

Anything relevant to another story is purely coincidental and I will not tolerate hate comments as well as people comparing my story to another.

Please respect the fact that I do not tolerate spoilers as well as dialogue translations.

Thank you and enjoy this whimsical fantasy adventure where you have to kill to survive.

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