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Over the next couple of weeks, we got Cam moved into his new house but he comes back here and spends the nights with us to help with Julia

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Over the next couple of weeks, we got Cam moved into his new house but he comes back here and spends the nights with us to help with Julia.

Those pictures I took of Cam with Julia I had printed out so when he comes in today he can take them to his house.

When Cam is holding Julia she is always trying to focus on his face and she smiles. She loves him as much as he loves her.

V comes down the stairs yawning. "Thanks for letting me sleep I needed it." She said.

"No problem V. You were up and down last night with Julia," I said.

"I fell asleep rocking her but Cam came and took over and rocked her to sleep," I said.

"I feel bad that he has a brand new house that he doesn't even sleep in because he comes over to help us." She said.

"I feel bad too.. Look what I had made for his house," I said showing her the pictures in frames.

"Aww Coop that is so sweet. He is going to love them." V said.

"Love what?" Cam said walking downstairs with Julia.

I take Julia from him and point over at the counter. He walks over and smiles. "Are these for me? When did you take them?" He asked.

"When you weren't looking, Cam," V said snorting.

"Well, I know that smartass." Cam laughs.

"I thought you may want them in your new place," I said.

"I appreciate it thanks! I'm headed out to help Levi today. I'll see you guys this evening." He said grabbing the lunchbox that V packed for him. Kissed Julia's head and walked out the door.

"Have you ever talked to Sierrah?" I asked.

"I texted her the other day asking if she could come over tonight. I thought we could talk to her and Cam at the same time about being the godparents." V said.

"Oh yeah, good idea. Maybe we can pick up some pizza or something for the occasion." I said.

"Sounds good Coop. I really want to talk to her and see what's up." V said.

"Why don't you go soak in the tub and relax and I'll take care of Julia," I said.

"Are you sure you don't mind?" She asked.

"I'm sure V go and relax and enjoy your bath and I'm sure she will sleep anyways," I said.

She kisses me and then heads upstairs and I go to the living room with Julia. I kiss her and put her in the bassinet and walk over to the couch and sit down cutting the tv on.

I'm ten minutes into the show and Julia cries. I get up and pick her up and take her upstairs and change her wet diaper.

She has her bottom lip poked out which is cute but I know she's about to cry again. I pick her up and bounce her and walk to the bedroom where V is still in the tub.

"Babe I think she's hungry. Do you have any milk in the fridge?" I ask.

"Yeah I do but I can get out and feed her just hang on a minute," V said.

I bounce Julia around and sing to her and kiss her face but she's not having it.

V comes out with a silk robe on and sits against the headboard and I hand her Julia and she latches right on.

"I can tell when she's hungry because she pokes her lip out a little bit." I laugh.

"I have noticed that too. She is going to be way more spoiled than I ever was." V laughs.

"Guys I'm home!" Cam hollers.

"I'll go downstairs and talk to him," I said shutting the door.

"Hey were you sleeping?" He asked.

"No V went to soak in the bath and Julia was hungry so I took her upstairs to her," I said.

"Oh ok good." Cam smiled.

"So V asked Sierrah over this evening we want to talk to you guys. Are you ok if she comes over?" I ask.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He asked.

"Well, you both have been acting weird and not really talking and stuff," I said.

"Coop I've just been busy working and moving and she's trying to open that cafe and we just haven't talked." He shrugged.

"I know there is more so what is it?" I ask sitting at the table.

"Fine I've texted her and she doesn't answer and then I ride by this ice cream place and she's inside sitting down with some guy having ice cream. I mean what am I to do with that?" He said.

"Wait what?" I ask as V walks into the room.

"Sierrah has a boyfriend?" I ask.

"That's news to me why do you ask?" V said.

"Because I text her and she doesn't answer and then I see her at an ice cream place sitting with a guy having ice cream," Cam said.

"Oh hell no," V said.

"Violet please don't make this a thing," Cam said.

"I won't I'll say I saw her not you," V said pulling out her phone. I'm telling her to come over. Coop will you order the pizza?" She asked.

"I can do that and hope we aren't in for a shouting match." I laugh.

"That not going to happen," V said.

I get the pizza ordered and Sierrah is on her way over. Cam has Julia in his arms. "I love your chubby little cheeks." He smiles down at her.

The doorbell goes off and I open the door to see it's Sierrah and right behind her is the pizza guy. I pay him and take the pizza and head into the living room behind Sierrah.

I watch as she smiles at V and sits down beside her not even acknowledging Cam. I shake my head and look at V. "You guys ready to eat?"

"Just because I'm not pregnant anymore I'm still hungry." V laughs.

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