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I walk into the bathroom and change into my running clothes and leave my bag in the bathroom while I head back to the kitchen to tie my shoes

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I walk into the bathroom and change into my running clothes and leave my bag in the bathroom while I head back to the kitchen to tie my shoes.

I look up as she's coming down the steps and she has a white sports bra on with white tight leggings. Fuck me! She's oblivious to how hot she is.

"Hey, you ready?" She said.

"Yeah just got to tie my other shoe," I said finishing up.

She throws me a Gatorade to gulp some down before we start running.

Once down all the steps we take off running up the beach toward Cookie Grounds.

We finally get there and we walk into her smiling aunt. "Hey, guys! Want cookies and slushies?" She asked.

"Please Aunt Remi a cherry and blueberry slushie and we aren't picky about the cookie flavors," Violet said as I follow her over to sit down.

A girl comes running out the back and sits beside Violet.

"Hey, Ruthie! Are you helping your mom today?" Violet asked.

"I am! I just wanted to come say hi!" She smiled.

"Where is Wyatt?" She asked.

"He's with grandpa." She said looking over at me.

"Ruthie this is my partner you remember him from our breakfast dinner the other morning?" Violet asked.

"I do. Hi Cooper." She smiles.

"Hi, Ruthie!" I smile at her just as Remi walks over with our order.

"Alright come on leave Violet alone. Enjoy guys!" She said walking off.

"Which cookie you want Coop?" She asks me.

"Both of these are my favorite and this one is Uncle Gray's concoction but it's so good." She said.

"I want a bite of each." I laugh.

"Fine, we will half them so you can try them all." She said breaking the cookie into two pieces.

"Well, what do you think?" She smiled.

"Shit this is soooo good," I said chewing the coconut cookie.

"I told you." She said chewing on her cookie.

"I can't decide which one I like best," I said biting into the strawberry. "Holy shit this is good."

"I know! I've been eating them since I was six. Why do you think I run?" She laughs.

We finish up our cookies and run back up the beach with our slushies.

"How about we have a dip in the water?" She asked.

"In what we got on?" I ask.

"Unless you want to walk back up all of those steps?" She laughs.

"Fuck no I don't." I laugh.

She lays her phone and keys in the sand so I take my shirt off and wrap my phone with hers and head toward the water.

She grabs my hand and pulls me in right as a wave hits us. The way she throws her head back and laughs I can't look at anything else.

We stay in the water a while and cool off before tackling those steps and making it back inside.

"I'm going to shower. You are more than welcome to shower in the bathroom you changed in. Should be everything you need stocked in there." She said.

"Sounds good. I'll see you in a bit." I smiled as I watched her walk away and up the steps.

I walk into the bathroom and close the door and strip down and jump in the shower.

As the water runs down my body I can't get that tight outfit out of my mind. I'm holding my dick about to jerk one out when she knocks on the bathroom door.

"Coop can I get your wet clothes to put in the washer?" She hollers.

"Sure the door is unlocked and my clothes are in the sink," I said.

I hear the door open and I hold my breath and dick and I hope like hell she can't see through the shower curtain.

"Alright, I'm going to get these in the wash." She said.

"Thanks, I appreciate it," I said as I heard the door shut.

I let go of myself and hurried up and showered and jumped out. I'm glad I brought a spare outfit or I would have to put my uniform back on.

I open the door and she's standing in the kitchen in a tank top and some pretty short shorts. She's trying to kill me.

"I happen to bring a spare set of clothes," I said walking behind her in the kitchen.

"Good thing or you would be walking around naked." She laughs.

"Well, I have my uniform." I laughed.

"While the clothes are washing let's go watch a movie or something if we can stay awake." She said.

We get comfy on the couch and all that is between us is a little pillow and it isn't long until Violet is asleep and leaning over on me.

I didn't mind and for some reason I like being close to her and I'm really overstepping boundaries because I wouldn't do this with any other partner.

I place my feet on the coffee table and lay my head on top of her and before you know it I'm sound to sleep too.

A couple of hours later I wake up with my head in crick and V is still asleep but now her head is on my chest. I run my fingers through her hair and move it back out of her face.

She yawned and raised up and looked at me. "Oh, shit Coop I'm sorry."

"It's ok I fell asleep too but I'm still really tired." I yawn.

"Just stay over and get some sleep. I have many bedrooms or you can sleep here on the couch." She said.

"I'll take a bed since it's ok just show me where to go." I yawned again standing up.

I follow her upstairs and into a nice room with a big fluffy grey cover on the bed. "I'll be in the next room if you need me, Coop."

"Thanks again for letting me stay V.," I said walking over to the bed.

"No problem Coop just don't leave without you telling me ok?" She smiled walking out of the room.

"You got it V." I called out.

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