7: Dilemma

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As we drive along a road encaged by dense forest on either side, I try to mute my thoughts that are bouncing off the walls of my mind in a nagging rhythm.

The feeling of a weight being lifted off of my chest embraces me as we come to the end of the tree-guarded road. Enrique no longer had any place in my thoughts, which makes me frown in confusion and desolation.

But that is soon replaced with a tingling sensation that envelops my skin when my gaze lands on Adam in keen observation.

His chin square enough to exhibit every clench of his perfectly straight teeth. With pools of melted chocolate for eyes and a mop of silky smooth dirty blond hair, its length long enough to cover a part of his forehead.

He's the definition of 'The boy next door'. His white shirt tucked neatly inside his ink blue trousers, with not a single crease insight or button undone.

He's the kind of guy you would want to introduce to your parents, the kind that would take you on romantic candlelight dinners and remember to surprise you on your anniversaries.

I shyly look away immediately when he locks eyes with me briefly. Offering me a radiant smile he is quick to shift his gaze back to the road.

My mind on its own accord starts comparing him to Enrique, this causes a frown to crease my forehead once again.

Placing his large palm on my comparatively skinny knee, electrifying sparks make a reappearance.

My mind explodes with thoughts and scenarios that cause my cheeks to tint themselves red again while successfully pulling me away from thoughts haunted by a certain pair of cobalt blue eyes.

In attempts to eliminate these unholy visions from my mind, I give it the opportunity to wander off into fashes of memory that captured all the qualities these men exhibited that are most certainly not human.

So far turning eighteen has been nothing but a nightmare! I think to myself, caught in the middle of yet another crossroad.

"I never got your name," he says in a smooth yet deep voice shifting his eyes towards me for a brief moment.

"I know because I never gave it to you" I whisper under my breath without thinking.

But I think my whisper wasn't exactly a whisper because silence engulfs us. The stagnant air starts to feel awkward as the seconds pass by.

"Sorry I didn't mean to sound rude, I'm Faith," I say.

Over the years excluding my late name whenever I introduce myself to someone new has become more of a defense mechanism that has embedded itself in my nature.

"Faith," he repeats softly in plaudits. "It's a nice name. Suits you," he compliments, but I sense a double meaning in his words.

I'm quick to dismiss my observation and focus my attention on the road to make sure he's genuinely taking me back to my car.

As we enter the town, the tension in my body decreases comparatively. The exuberant wave of blood that gushes through my veins, is a feeling I've never experienced while gazing at the dusty old town roads.

But then again, neither have I ever been kidnapped by a handsome stranger for reasons that are still unknown to me. And then released into the care of yet another handsome stranger to drop me back to my car the very next day!

Driving through the park's parking, my eyes instantaneously find my car. Politely instructing him to stop when we reach close enough, I get out of the car-making sure I have my keys with me as I do.

Faith LeighWhere stories live. Discover now