Candy and The Call

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When Karl returned home, he stored the cake in the freezer and immediately went to his office. For the whole day, he had to work on projects for streams, not to mention recording and editing videos and plan out ideas for his next streams. He also wanted to be there for some of his friends' streams, but that seemed unlikely.

Karl had been streaming and doing YouTube since highschool. It started as something that was just for fun and for his entertainment but the more he streamed the more dedicated he got. He started to build a fairly big following recently. He met most of his friends through streaming events or invitations to YouTube videos, but they were close nonetheless.

Sipping his morning energy drink that splashed and sizzled, he slid into his chair and put the coat over the back of it. He booted up his computer, and sighed deeply, letting the bright light wash over his room and face. His foot tapped anxiously on the floor as he watched his screen start to light up. The first thing he saw when everything was up and running was a few messages from the group chats. It was mostly his friends just joking around, but his eyes locked on to a few messages from Nick.

He was joking about the group having a party, them all driving to each other's houses to hang out, or stream. Most people laughed along with Nick, but Karl thought it was a good idea. However he just dismissed it and moved on with his day.

Just before he was about to log off to get lunch and take a break, his phone lit up, and a little message from Nick sat waiting for him.

11:57 AM


yo karl

hey sappatus! what's up?

nothing, I was just wondering if you wanted to chat for a bit, I'm bored out of my minddd

yeah I'm down, call?



He took his phone and headed downstairs to call his friend. Nick picked up after the second ring and Karl trotted down the stairs. He heard Nick's rough voice on the line, and his feet skipped over for a second.


"Hey, sappy!" Karl laughed.

"God- don't call me that Jacobs"

"You sound tired, did you just wake up?" Karl asked him, putting the phone on speaker and laying it on the kitchen counter while he made his food.

"I did, yeah" he yawned and growled slightly, extenuating his point and making Karl jump slightly. "Still having trouble sleeping, but I'm doing better now I think,"

"Oh yeah? I'm glad you're getting better. Anything I can do to help? I'm always here if you need to talk,"

"Actually, that would be really nice," Nick said, sighing softly.

"I gotcha, what's up,"

"I don't know man, I think I caught feelings for someone," Hearing this made Karl jump again slightly, and he immediately looked down to his phone where a little goofy photo of Sapnap was staring back up at him.

"And, I know they don't feel the same way, but it's still just stuck in my head, you know? Especially because Valentine's day is in like, a week away," Karl composed himself and nodded in response even though he couldn't see it.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I guess I kind of feel similar right now," he said slightly laughing, a bit embarrassed.

"Oh yeah? Karl's got a crush, huh?"

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