Chapter 3: The Question

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Btw this takes place the next morning after the last chapter.

💚🥦Deku's POV🥦💚
"K-kacchan...?" "What nerd?" "My head hurts..." "And?" "Well you could have gone easier on me you know...." "Nah your fine."

Today in class all we did was continue planning, and I have such a headache that it is to hard to think so Kacchan made the decisions for me.

After school:
"Hey nerd?" Kacchan said as we walked toward the dorm. "Hm?" "Meet me in front of my room in half an hour, I got an important question to ask you..."
An important question? Hmmmm.....
"Ok see you there." We parted ways as he went up the elevator to his room and I went to the kitchen to grab a snack.

Half an hour later:
I walked in front of Kacchan's door and knocked. He got up and said something, it seemed he was on the phone with someone....

Time travel back half an hour:
🧡💥Bakugo's POV💥🧡
"Ok see you there." Deku said and then walked over to the kitchen, as I walked over to the elevator. I called Shitty hair(Kirishima) once I got into my dorm room.

"Yo Bakubro! You ok?" "Ya I just had a question..." "oh ok then what is it?" "Well you see...."

Present time:
"So that is all?" "Ya bro you got this!" "Mk if you say so..." *knock* "I got to go Shitty hair." "Mk bye."

I opened the door and pulled him inside.

💚🥦Deku's POV🥦💚
Kacchan pulled me inside and quickly shut the door. Is he ok? "Deku?" "Yes Kacchan?" He grabbed my hands and looked at me in the eye. "I have something I would like to ask..." what does he mean by that? He looks sad, does he want to break up?!

"Hm...?" I tried to hide my fear of what the question would be but it was hard.

Kacchan looked down and began to go on one knee. What is he doing? He he going to beg me to forgive him? Is he going to beg me to break up with him?!

"Deku.....No.....Izuku," I could feel my face turn red. Is he being nice one last time is he really going to break up with me? Kacchan let go of my hand and put my hands in his other hand. He reached for something in his pocket. What is he doing is he giving me a break up gift?!

Kacchan pulled out a box let go of my hands and let them fall, he looked up at me, opened the box and said, "Izuku Midoriya would you make me the happiest man and marry me?" He blushed.

Huh? So he isn't going to break up with me? Is this.... no..... It is a proposal!!! He is proposing to me?! We are only in the second year of high school!!!

I could feel tiers run down my face. He stood up and grabbed my upper arms. I was still crying but I hugged him.

"K-kacchan... I l-love you.... don't e-ever scare me like th-that again.... I-I thought y-you were going to break up with m-me....." he looked at me with a questioning face. "What kind of break up looks like that?" "The one that happened to my mom, she told me how it happened and it looked just like that."

He looked like he had seen a ghost. "Kacchan...?" "Ya?" "You know we are only in high school..." "so? Will you still marry me?" He grinned at me wiping my tears. I was still clutching on him. "Ya... I will." I smiled at him.

Hope you enjoyed haha sorry to cut it off like this. Please continue reading and if you right Bakudeku books please suggest some to me I love to read them😁.

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