Episode 1x05: Destructive Testing

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Season 1

Episode 5

Opens with a news report on tv.

Reporter: It's been two weeks since the attempt on the young metahuman Ines Markov's life by former RCPD officer, Dayton Malick, and still the public is reeling from the act. The split in Rocket City's metahuman supporters and opposition has risen drastically, with Dayton Malick's public image caught in the balance. Malick was a promising young man right out of college, and eventually assisted RCPD Captain Tobias Church is taking down some of the most dangerous crime syndicates in Rocket City, as well as catching a confirmed number of at least twenty seven metahumans in the last two years alone, including Richter Case, better known to the public as the arsonist, Rook. Malick's life took a turn however last year when he had to take the life of a young girl named Mia Smoak, in an event that was later named the "Blackstar Incident". Dayton's close friend, Dominic Wilde, has gone on the record to say this.

Dom: Dayton's always been the same person since the day I met him over twenty years ago. A man that's wanted to do the right thing. But after seeing what's happened to him... I dunno. I don't support his actions two weeks ago, but I know he had a reason for it. He wanted to protect people, but he couldn't see that he was becoming obsessed. I just wanted to make sure everyone was able to see what he did from his point of view. That's the whole reason I came on today.

Reporter: Do you believe Dayton is suffering from a sort of post-trauma disorder?

Dom: We can't know anything for sure, but in my life, I've had to take lives. And the first time, yeah, I was scared, but I had to keep doing it or I'd lose everyone I ever cared about. I've never had PTSD or anything like that, and like I said, with Dayton, we can't know anything for sure. But what we do know is that Dayton has a conscience. He's human, just like you and me.

Reporter: And what about the metahumans? Do you believe they are as "human" as the rest of us?

Dom: Absolutely. We are all in this life together, metahuman or not.

Reporter: How do you think the Rocket City Vigilante will react to this?

Dom: Dayton was always vocal about how he'd thought the Rocket City Vigilante was a criminal, but I think that was just because of the Anti-Metahuman laws and what he thought about metahumans as a result of the Blackstar Incident. As for what I believe he'll react... I'd say that there isn't enough of a real connection between the two of them to make the Rocket City Vigilante do anything drastic. Up until now, we haven't seen the Rocket City Vigilante do anything but help people, and put bad people away. There isn't anything suggesting that he'll do anything other than what we already know him to do.

Reporter: Any final comments on the matter?

Dom: Well... I just want to tell Dayton that I'm sorry for not supporting him. I was a little too prideful, and I just wouldn't support Dayton as his friend. I think I'm partially responsible for sending him over the edge... And I want him to know how sorry I am.

Reporter: Well, that was Dominic Wilde's comments on--

DAYTON shuts off the tv.

Dayton: "And I want him to know how sorry I am". Bullshit! [throws the remote onto the couch across the room]

There's a knock at Dayton's door.

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