Episode 1x04: Ideologies

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Season 1

Episode 4

Opens with a quiet night near Rocket City National Bank. Two guards are standing outside. Someone sneaks up along the wall of a building next to the bank.

Guard 1: Windy night huh?

Guard 2: I'll say.

The wind picks up.

Guard 1: Okay, really? How windy does it get in this city?

Guard 2: How am I supposed to know?

The guards are thrown against the wall as someone wearing a mask walks into the bank, and the strong winds stop.

Guard 1: I'm moving back to Metropolis!

The next morning, NATALIA wakes up alone, but the covers appear to have been moved as if someone was sleeping next to her.

I Like The Way by Against The Current is playing in the background.

NATALIA rolls out of bed, and walks down to the kitchen to see DOM making breakfast.

Dom: Morning, beautiful. How'd you sleep?

Natalia: [hugs Dom from behind] Better than I have been. You?

Dom: Same here. Glad that everything is back to normal.

Natalia: For the most part. [turns him around and kisses him]

Dom: [smiles] You have no idea how much I've missed this.

Natalia: Making breakfast while listening to your trashy music?

Dom: Ouch! And no. Waking up with you next to me.

Natalia: Oh yeah. I guess that's also pretty great.

Dom: What did I ever do to deserve you?

Natalia: Not a damn thing.

Dom: Well then sit down, I don't wanna burn my crepes.

Natalia: Oo, alright. [does as she's told]

Dom: [laughs slightly] Oh, you. You haven't changed a bit.

Natalia: That's a bad thing?

Dom: Definitely not.

Natalia: Well hurry up, I'm hungry and I missed your cooking. [turns on the tv]

The news is on and shows the break-in at Rocket City National Bank the night before.

Natalia: Why does every single thing on the news in this city have to be negative?

Dom: Don't think of it as negative. Think of it as a lead for us, another meta to bring to justice. You like justice, don't you?

Natalia: I still think we should let Dayton in on this.

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