By this time Miles turned on the TV and switched to the 10 AM morning segment: "Catching up with Mary and Trent!" In this, they talk all about social media and what's going on with the top of the list: Swellview celebrities!

Mika now walked over to Bose, relieved that Chapa finally got up just in time for breakfast. She slightly shook him on the shoulder the same she did with Chapa and could see his mouth wide open and drool coming from the right side of his cheek. "Boseeeee wakeeee upppp breakfast is readyyy." He too had a stuffed toy he held on to, Mika could swear it was Boo Boo Pew Pew with it's head sewed back on.

She shook him again and before she could say another word he bolted up panicked, "WHAT HAPPENED? DID THE MASK COME FOR US." Mika assumed he was talking about the coat rack he was terrified about all night last night, "No Bose, everyone is okay, go get washed up and come eat breakfast." Mika said turning to sit next to Miles at the booth.

"Oh Thank God." Bose rushed up and threw his sleeping bag and blankets down the laundry shoot and head off to wash up.

Bose head down the spiral stairs of the Man's Nest and at the bottom to the left, you could see the arched entrance to the classroom with four desks where they usually did their homework or usual SWAG business.

At the right stood the bathroom which held two sinks and two stalls, and in it he could see Chapa just about finishing brushing her teeth. She looked to the side and bobbed her head in a sort of 'what's up' way and Bose knew what she meant to say. She handed him the tube of toothpaste and with this Bose responded "Mornin' - Thank you." She nodded again as to say 'you're welcome'

Bose thought this was a usual morning to Chapa and Bose they almost always woke up at the same time whenever they slept at the Man's nest. With this Chapa finally finished brushing and went off to dry her hands and face.

"I'm gonna check on the chute, it should be done don't you think?" Chapa looked over at Bose and he nodded his head, him now being the one brushing his teeth. Chapa went to the room the right of the bathroom where the bottom end of the laundry shoot would spit out whatever was in there.

After having so many laundry days together Schwoz realized they were spending too much time on laundry and not much time fighting crime. So he fashioned a shoot where if you threw clothes, sheets, pillows or anything of the sort, it would automatically clean, dry, and fold whatever was thrown in there on the way down in a matter of minutes.

"Yup! our stuff is here Bose!" but for some reason, the way Bose's sleeping gear fell on Chapa's had messed up the folds of hers so she had to refold her sheets, by the time she was done folding her sheets, Bose was done washing up.

"What happened? I thought you would be walking up by now..." Bose looked a little confused as to why Chapa didn't head up, he knew she would already be finishing her flapjacks by now. "Ahhhhh nothing, YOUR sheets fell weirdly I guess which somehow messed up mine and well I just had to refold them. It's good though, I'm already done, Let's just go up together."

As Bose and Chapa head upstairs Chapa started up "So! Did you sleep well last night with the mask?" Chapa started laughing, "HEY! You can't blame me, it looked SO real!" Chapa started laughing and Bose couldn't help himself but laugh too.

In reality Bose was not as dull as he let people believe, sometimes he did it to calm others down, to give them a laugh, or to just make people not worry too much about what's going on around them. But he would be lying if he said he wasn't scared last night.

When they entered the Man's Nest still laughing, they could feel their hunger rise as the smell of syrup and the buttery Man-flaps hit them right in their nose. "Mhhhhh smells goooood, I can't wait to get me a piece of that cake!" Chapa said putting down her sheets on an empty cart. Bose followed, and they both walked over to the booth where Ray, Mika and Miles all sat. Bose reached over to grab a plate excitedly and started, "Yea, Thanks Ray they look really good!"

Before Bose could grab his plate, Ray slapped him across the hand.
"NO! I don't make my special Man-flaps for traitors like YOU TWO." He said pointing between Chapa and Bose.
"WH-" Chapa started.
Miles cut Chapa off, something she wasn't used to, "Yea!! When were you gonna tell us HUH?"
At this point neither Chapa or Bose had any idea what they were talking about, so they looked at each other in disbelief, confusion, and shock.
"Look at them, pretending they don't know!"
Bose thought Mika too!? He would think she would be on their side.
Chapa now starting to get aggravated and more hungry by the second yelled out "WHAT ARE YOU ALL TALKING ABOUT?"
"Psh... Have us looking dumb well you know what," while Ray started one of his mumbles that eventually led nowhere, Mika raised a brow looked at them both. "That you two are DATING?"
"Wait, we are?" Bose asked Chapa.
This was so long I'm sorry! I had a clear vision on how I wanted things so I want you all to experience that as well. I hope you all enjoy it please tell me how you like it.

Under the Starlight: CHAPA X BOSEWhere stories live. Discover now