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Changbin was slowly walking home, not looking forward to the next day. He wished he could just stay in the forest forever and not face his shitty life.

The sun was shining on his back as he walked, which for some reason reminded him of the tall freckled boy he had met earlier.

As he trudged down the path, dreaming of the boy who made him forget all his struggles, he suddenly heard a loud scream in the distance. He started running in the direction of the screams, not sure what horrors lay ahead.

As he got closer he realized that the screams sorta sounded like... dolphins?!?

He saw a gathering of what looked like a couple of kids sitting in a circle screaming. In the center of them stood a blue haired boy with dimples, leading them through some kind of ritual.

One of the boys got up and went over to Changbin. "HI!!! DiD yOU cOmE tO JOiN uS!!", the boy screeched. "Hyuka calm down, go talk to Chenle while I sort this out". The loud one, who was apparently Hyuka, skipped away with a huge smile on his face. 'What is this cult' thought Changbin as he stared at the boy.

The leader looked up and down Changbin and said with a small smile, "Jeongin, show this nice man to his quarters".

"W-Well, I really have to get g-going" Changbin stuttered. "Oh just stay a little longer", said the other softly. "After all, do you actually want to go home?"

Changbin started slowly backing away from the strange crowd. A strange scream pierced his eardrums as he fell to the ground, the world fading into pitch black.

(a/n) ok... this was not at all how i had the story planned to go but, i had this weird dream last night, and that is basically where this whole situation stems from. Don't worry tho, we are still on the main storyline, just with a more scenic route, if that makes any sense. Also.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BABY BREAD YANG JEONGIN!!! Anyway i hope u guys enjoy this random twist, and sorry for these sporadic updates,                                                                                                                                          luv Lex

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