"I don't know. Kinda," he shrugs. "I don't like change, and I know that after we leave here, everything's gonna change and I hate that. I love how life is going right now, and I don't want anything to be different."

I pout my lips at his words, letting my thumb graze over his cheek.

"Things are gonna be different, but that doesn't mean they'll be bad," I respond, not really knowing what he wants or needs to hear right now. "I know change sucks, I hate it too, but you and I both know that every single one of us is going to stay friends."

"I'm not ready to leave you guys," he mumbles so softly that I almost didn't hear it. I feel my heart pang in my chest, sending a sharp feeling to every nerve in my body. My eyes well with tears as I stare at the side of my favorite person's face. He's never really been this vulnerable with me. He doesn't talk much about his emotions at all...it's usually me that over-shares. I'm glad he's opening up to me about this.

"It's only for a little bit, sunshine," I remind him, keeping my hand resting on his cheek. He sighs, reaching his hand up to grab mine.

"I like when you call me that," he whispers, a ghost of a smile on his lips. "Makes me feel important."

"You are so important, sunshine," I grin, deciding to be over dramatic with my next response. "The world doesn't turn without you."

"Shut up," he lets out a chuckle, squeezing my hand as he does so. At least I made him smile.

I smile softly to myself in victory, knowing that I made him feel at least a little better.

"Remember when you said I can't get rid of you," I ask.


"I'm holding you accountable to that. I expect you on my doorstep the second you're back in LA."

"Deal," he smirks. "You think we'll be okay?"

"We'll be alright," I nod, pressing a firm kiss to the side of his head. He sighs in content, letting his head lean into mine.

"I'm still sorry I woke you up. I just...I didn't know what to do. I was feeling really anxious, and you somehow always make me feel better," he speaks after a few seconds of silence. "You have this overwhelmingly calming presence."

I feel another pang in my chest. I think back to when he left Vancouver a few weeks ago, and Charlie told me that Owen and I control each other's emotions. There is absolutely some truth to that...Owen always makes me feel better. He also doesn't annoy me the way Charlie does.

"That's what I'm here for," I smile. I'm the mom friend, it's my job to comfort people. I'm sure that's all he means. "Do you wanna stay in here tonight or go back to your room?"

"Would you mind if I stay?" He looks over at me, our noses brushing together for a second and my heart pangs for the third time.

"No, you can stay," I shake my head, nonchalantly placing some distance between the two of us. "I like the company."

My eyes flicker briefly to his lips, which are just inches away from my own, and my heart starts to race. There is not one valid reason that I should be thinking about kissing this man right now. Absolutely not. But here I am.

His lips just look so soft.

In all honesty, I haven't stopped thinking about the night we kissed a couple of months ago. From what I can remember, he's a fantastic kisser and I've honestly been dying to refresh my memory.

No. No I haven't.

It is just four in the morning and I am delusional and touch deprived. I do not want to kiss my friend and coworker.

Sunshine [Owen Joyner]Where stories live. Discover now