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A/N: I'm so sorry it's been literal months since I last updated, thank you to all who have stuck with me and this story for so long!

After everything that happened at the hospital, everyone seemed to need time to process their current predicament. Isabelle was a genetic chimera, and the dread doctors had—so far—successfully turned her into a partial werewolf. Emotions were high for the ones who were there to witness it—Liam, Scott, Malia, and Melissa, which is why Isabelle was able to buy herself at least a few hours to herself.

She lay in her bed now, staring at the ceiling and trying to collect her thoughts as quickly as she could. She knew that once the initial shock finally wore off everyone, Liam would be climbing in her window or breaking down her door, Scott, Malia, and whoever else they had told right behind him.

Isabelle sat up with a sigh, resting her forehead on her hand, wishing she could talk to the one person in the world who knew her best and could help her sort through the mess her life had suddenly become.

Realization set in and she slowly raised her head up in consideration.

Maybe she could.


Cemeteries always made her squeamish, so when Isabelle walked across the Beacon Hills Cemetery, she kept her eyes on her destination and didn't let them wander. She had flowers clutched between her hands that had already started to droop down, and the stems were making her hands sticky.

When she got to the familiar slab of stone with her big sister's name on it, she let out the breath she had been holding and dropped to her knees directly in front of the stone.

"Hey," she smiled hesitantly. It had been a long time since she'd been here.  She looked down at her hands and her expression brightened as she held up the flowers. "I, uh, brought these for you."

She laid half of the bunch of wildflowers on the ground in front of her and the other half in front of the stone to her right, which read Victoria Argent: Loving Mother and Wife.

Her eyes roamed over the letters, then she turned to the stone to the left of Allison, which said Kate Argent. Isabelle's eyes rolled a little, thinking about what a humongous joke that had turned out to be.

"I took them from the Whittemore's yard," Isabelle turned back to Allison and her mother's stone, nodding her head to the flowers as if they could see her gestures. She shrugged a little, "I don't know why, I just thought it'd be really funny."

She wiped her hands off on her jeans, trying to get rid of the stickiness. Her eyes wandered momentarily as a wave of discomfort passed through her.

"So, I've got a group of mad scientists on my tail," she began awkwardly. She lifted one of her hands and examined it carefully before flexing her fingers and watching her nails protrude into claws. "They made me into this. Part werewolf, part something else... I guess I should just be thankful I haven't grown a tail, right?" She retracted her claws with a slight scoff and dropped her hand to her knee.

"Whatever I am, the Dread Doctors...they'll still come for me...and I'm ready for that..." she said with a sad smile. "I think I'm ready, at least. After losing both of you I thought dying would be a piece of cake, but then I screwed everything up by falling in love—with a werewolf—believe it or not."

Isabelle smiled sadly and let her eyes roam over to large carved out letters that formed her sister's name.

"After everything with you and Scott, I never wanted to fall in love. It just seemed so...hard. You had so many good times, but there were so many other things that just kept getting in the way. I didn't think I'd ever be willing to fight for someone as much as you and Scott fought for each other." She bit her lip, holding back a sob.

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