I stumbled backwards and almost couldn't believe my eyes. How come we hadn't heard this? There were zombies on the outside of the fence, throwing themselves against the fence and moaning with such desperation. It's almost like they knew living flesh was near, and it was driving them insane that they couldn't reach it. I grabbed for Wyatt's arm and he chuckled.

"You could use a distraction, can't you?" he laughed.

"We need to tell the others," I replied and tried to pull him away. There were at least 20 and the sight of us made them go crazy. They started clawing at the fence and growling. 

"Come on, admit it you want some action."

Like he said, it could be a good distraction. 

I sighed and shook my head. Wyatt's insanity was rubbing off on me. 

"We need weapons," I found myself saying.

"That's what's I'm talking-"

"Don't make me change my mind!"

He laughed and then ran saying he'd be right back. I turned and looked at all the zombies lined up on the fence. Some of them were rotting, others looked, new. I walked closer to the fence, but still kept some distance, I didn't want to risk it toppling over. I heard footsteps coming from behind and turned around expecting to see Wyatt but instead it was a zombie. My eyes widened and I looked over at the fence. How the hell had it gotten in? 

I walked away from it and then turned around prepared to run, but then I realized I had no idea where Wyatt had led me. Maybe he brought you here to die. That made no sense. I looked at the zombie and when it was close enough to grab me I quicly ducked and moved out of the way. The zombie stumbled, confused and then turned around to search for me. I had to think quickly. I looked at the zombies foot and then sighed. You could never go wrong with dislocating a zombies knee. It would slow them down even more. 

Or you could just run.

Running is for little bitches. Well, and also if there's a horde of zombies coming from you and you risk being devoured. This was only one zombie, I could take care of myself.  I waited until the zombie was close enough and then it lunged for me, I ducked and it stumbled over me, landing smack on its back. I stood up quickly and then looked down at the zombie. It slowly registered that it was on the floor and slowly tried to get up.  The zombie lifted its head up and began to get up. I brought my foot up, preparing to kick the zombie in the face when something whizzed by. The zombie fell over and smack in the middle of its head was an arrow. I whirled around to see Wyatt running towards me at full speed.

"Are you okay?" he asked me and I nodded and cleared my throat.

"Just dandy,"

"Sorry I took long, it was hard finding your crossbow," he said and handed it to me. My jaw dropped but then I couldn't help the grin that came across my face. My crossbow was in my hands once again! Memories flashed through my mind as I ran my fingers along the contour of my weapon. He put my bag of arrows on my shoulder and then walked towards the fence. He pulled out a long knife and then began picking the zombies off one by one. 

"How am I supposed to use this though? My hand is still injured," I said deflated. The happiness that I had once felt a moment ago was beginning to fade.

"Stop being a little pussy, suck it up,"

"Excuse me?" I replied outraged but couldn't keep the laughter out of my voice. 

"You heard me!" he laughed. 

I shrugged my bag of arrows back onto my shoulders and then walked towards the fence huffing and puffing. I was not going to let him insult me! 

I bit down on my lip and completely forgot about my arm being injured, like he said I should stop being a little bitch. It felt good to finally relieve more stress. Killing zombies isn't fun, even if I make it sound fun. Sure you feel accomplished, like you've helped rid the world of more zombies, but it seems that for every zombie that you kill there's at least 3 more. There's just something relieving about the whole experience. 

We killed all the zombies that had been clinging onto the fence and then I frowned. My arrows were on the other side and arrows didn't grow on trees or anything. Wyatt saw my problem and easily scaled the fence and jumped over. He began pulling them out of the zombie heads and hummed under his breath. It was silent except for my heavy breathing, his humming, and the squelching noise the arrows would make as they were dislodged from the zombies brains. 

The silence was broken by a deep exhale. 

"My sister, she was bad ass when it came to this. She taught me everything that I know. When the outbreak first began she was the one that kept me alive and sane. Believe it or not I used to be a little pussy," Wyatt chuckled.

I bit down on my lip and tilted my head to the side, taking in the beginning of his story.

"She was a leader and wouldn't let anyone tell her what to do. When my parents died, it was way before the epidemic, she took care of me. We went from Foster home to Foster home and no one really wanted to keep us. It was always just us, against everything."

He climbed over the fence and handed me the arrows.

"One night we were raiding an area, looking for food and some shelter. As usual I had my head up my ass and I kept jumping at every little noise. I was standing watch and the rest were inside. A random horde of zombies just came out of no where and I just screamed. I warned them and then I ran," he whispered. "I ran."

"I don't know what came over me. I heard the screams and my sister barking orders. I hid and the days blurred. I don't remember for how long . All I remember is coming out and being terrified. I walked into that room...and words can't even begin to describe. The only thing I recognized of my sister was the pendant she always wore. Her body had been torn to shreds, and to think I did nothing to try and stop it. She was strong, she was a fighter. She still died! She didn't make it," he cried. "It made me harden up, and I knew I had to stop being a little bitch in this world," 

"I took the pendant and I wandered. I killed zombies and did some things I'm not proud of. I still have nightmares of that night."

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked and swallowed my built up saliva. 

"I figure someone deserves to know why I am the way I am. You also remind me of her," he replied and then began walking back to the warehouse.

I stood there, perplexed for a few seconds and then quickly followed. I glanced back at the zombie bodies and then turned my head back around.

At least now you know where the pendant came from.


I am horribly sorry for the delay

I know this is caca .-. hahahah 

But please, don't be vicious. 

Zombie Apocalypse:The Walking Dead RiseWhere stories live. Discover now