"Was?" I tilt my head. 

"She's—she died... eight years ago in a fire."

My heart is pacing so fast, I feel like it could burst into flames at any moment. 

I need to get out of this place, away from all these people, away from all these lies. It's too much. It's all so fucking much. 

I immediately storm out of his office, completely disregarding my urges to strangle them both.

He lied to me. I don't give a shit about that old geezer Dumbledore, he's always lying. But Snape, the man who's supposed to protect me? I don't even think this is the entire truth. 

I'm so done with everyone. I've tried being patient, but I'm delaying my whole life. How many more lies can a person take before they completely self-destruct?

I don't know if I want to scream, fight someone, or eat all the food for tonight's dinner in the Great Hall.

Who the hell am I? All this time I've wondered why my father didn't look at me or care for me. Why he enjoyed watching me suffer. Why my mother didn't actually love me, but my inheritance. 

Why would they? They aren't my parents. And even then, even if Grindelwald is my—I can't even say it. He didn't want me because he wanted a child. He wanted me for his own selfish needs—a weapon as Dumbledore so graciously put it.

I have no one. I spent so long mourning over a woman who I thought was my mother. Now I find out that my actually mother died eight years ago. I spent years enduring torture by someone I thought of as my father, to find out he's not even my father. This is so fucked up.

They're selfish. They're all so fucking selfish. It's my life, how can they hide something like this from me? Something that could've changed my whole life if I had known earlier. Who are they to decide whether or not I find out? If I didn't confront them about it, I wonder if they would've ever told me. 

I storm through the corridors, finally walking to the common room to see Zane sitting with Theo and Blaise. They're laughing about something before his eyes spot me, and his laughter dies down.

I nod my head towards my dorm room, directing him to follow me. I need to figure this out today. How is he connected to Grindelwald?

A couple moments after I arrive, so does he, knocking on my door. 

"Hey..." He stands in front of my door awkwardly. I pull him in, closing the door behind me. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I smile, sitting down on my bed. 

"I don't know..." He sits on the arm chair across from me. "I got kind of drunk last night so if I did something stupid just tell me—"

"Nope. You were perfectly content." My arse, he was an emotional mess. "Though, I will say, you're fucking heavy."

He forces a laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. The fucks wrong with him?

"What's wrong?" I ask him noticing his discomfort. 

"Nothing." He purses his lips, shaking his head. "Did you want to talk to me about something?"

"What," I cross one leg over the other, "I can't just want to see you?"

He narrows his eyes slightly, looking me up and down, "You, want to see me?"

"Yeah, I do..." He looks confused. Good. "I don't know what's going on. I'm confused. You make me confused." I get up from the bed, walking towards him. "I want that confusion to go away." I crouch in front of him, looking up into his deep-brown eyes. "Can you make it go away?"

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