sincerely three

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(Soulmate AU)

Evan's POV
I sighed getting out of bed today was the day the day when your soulmates initials appear on your wrist 'what if I get someone who hates me? What if I get someone who's already in a relationship' I thought stressing over it I grabbed my backpack leaving the house I looked down at my feet as I walked to school 'what if I get someone who's not into boys? What if I get someone who I hate?' That last one is probably not true since I don't really hate anyone I sighed opening the doors to school walking to my locker "hey acorn" I heard Jared say "what?" I asked putting my backpack in my locker "are you excited?" He asked "no" he looked at me confused "I'm really nervous I mean what if my soulmate hates me? What if they are already in a relationship? What if-" Jared cut me off "acorn you stress too much just calm down" I nodded closing my locker "what time does it happen at?" I asked walking with Jared to his homeroom since ours were close we walked together "I think it's at 8:30 or something" he said walking into his homeroom waving bye to me I smiled waving back before going to my homeroom.

I looked at the clock that was in the class room '8:28' I sighed 'two minutes two minutes' I was lost in thought until I felt pins and needles in my wrist I looked down at it "JK and CM" I mumbled 'wait I have two soulmates that's a little weird' I thought that's when the bell rang once I walked out into the halls it was crowded with people finding their soulmates 'JK there's a lot of peole at my school who have JK as their initials I'm never gonna find them' I sighed I mean CM that has to be Connor Murphy right? I mean he's the only one at school who has those initials
I looked around trying to find him "hey" I heard someone say I looked behind me seeing Connor he scratched his neck "I think you're my soulmate" he say showing me his wrist 'EH and JK' I read it nodding showing him mine after he read it he smiled.

Connor's POV
I was in homeroom trying to take a nap once I was almost asleep I felt pins and needles on my wrist I lifted my sleeve seeing 'EH and JK' I was confused then it hit me 'wait was today when you find your soulmate?' I sighed 'how could I forget that' groaning putting my head in my hands before looking back at my wrist 'ok so EH that's has to be Evan Hansen right? Ok so JK Jared Kleinman right?' I thought 'but there is a lot of people here that have JK as their initials' I huffed as the bell rang I got up and grabbed my shoulder bag before walking out the classroom once I was out I saw Evan looking around I guess trying to find me I walked behind him "hey" I said he turned around I started to scratch my neck "I think you're my soulmate" I said holding out my wrist for him to see he smiled after reading it looking up at me I pulled down my sleeve as he showed me his wrist 'JK and CM' I smiled feeling happy.

Jared's POV
I kept looking at the clock "wow Jared for someone who doesn't give a shit most of the time you are really excited" I heard Alana say as she sat down next to me "I know weird" I said she giggled "so who do you think you're soulmate is?" I asked her "I don't know but I hope it's Zoe Murphy" Alana said sighing I rolled my eyes "so who do think you're soulmate is?" Alana asked me the same question I started thing "well I've always liked Evan but I don't think he's my soulmate" I said thinking out loud she giggled I smiled at her before feeling pins and needles in my wrist I looked down once the feeling was gone "EH and CM" I mumbled Alana looked over in awe before looking at her wrist her smile got bigger if possible "let me guess Zoe?" I asked she nodded showing me her wrist 'ZM' that's when the bell rang we got up "well you're gonna have to run if you want to find her before your next class" I said to Alana as she walked out the classroom I walked out soon after 'ok just find Evan and Connor easy' I thought looking around seeing them Evan showing Connor his wrist I smiled and was about to go up to them but was hit with a wave of nervousness feeling butterflies I felt like I was gonna have a panic attack by just seeing them I felt my eye water up and bolted past them to the bathroom once I was in I locked myself in a stoll and started sobbing holding my knees close to my chest once I was fully calmed down I had missed my first period I cleaned up and quickly walked out going to my second period I hated going to second not only because my teacher hated me but because Connor was in this period I sighed before walking in the classroom "you're late" my teacher said I handed her a forged note from the office she looked at it before throwing it in the trash "alright go to your desk" I nodded walking past Connor I felt his gaze on me once I sat down his gaze left going back to the teacher I sighed putting my book on the desk.

Connor's POV
I felt like I was gonna die from boredom Computer Science wasn't my best class I only got in because it was the only class that was open so instead of having a free period I had to take Computer Science I sighed thinking about Evan and Jared how did I get so lucky? Evan is the most kind person I've ever met and Jared from what Evan says he's really nice but for popularity he's a kinda of a jerk I looked at the clock one minute until it's over I sighed looking over at Jared he looked like he was actually paying attention probably as a A in this class I started to count down the seconds '3..2..1' right on time the bell rung I got up and went over to Jared as he was packing up "hey" he stiffened "I'm not gonna kill you so calm down" I said he seemed to let his guard down a little bit I showed him my wrist he nodded before showing me his 'EH and CM' I smiled he smiled at me "so wanna go on a out on Friday?" I asked him he shrugged "I'll think about it" he said walking away 'I guess Evan was right' I thought walking out the classroom.


Evan's POV
I smiled putting on my shoes Connor was supposed to pick me and Jared up I smiled seeing his car outside I closed the front door and walking up to the car opening the door getting into it "so where we going?" I asked "I'll tell you when we pick Jared up" "he actually agreed?" I was surprised even for being soulmates I didn't think he would go on a date Connor laughed ruffling my hair I sighed fixing my hair he giggled driving to Jared's house once Jared got in he asked the same question "where we going?" "It's a surprise" Connor said pulling onto a road I haven't been on I pouted "you said that you would tell us" I whined Connor rolled his eyes ruffling my hair again Jared rolled his eyes to looking out the window admiring the nature I felt my face heat up looking at him I felt Connor put his hand on my thigh squeezing and rubbing it I bit my lip holding in a moan my thighs were the most sensitive part on my body he soon pulled his hand away smiling I looked put the window trying to stop blushing soon we pulled into a icecream shop called A LÀ Mode "tell me what you want I'll go in and get it" "I'll take strawberry" I said Connor nodded turning to Jared "vanilla" he said "basic bitch" Connor mumbled leaving the car before Jared could react to what he said "did he just" "I think he did" I said giggling Jared shook his head before pulling out his phone "wanna watch a princess bride?" I nodded getting into the back with him he cuddled into my chest starting the movie five minutes in the movie Connor came back Jared put his phone back "so what'd I miss?" He said giving us our icecream i got back in the front "nothing" I said taking a bite of my icecream Jared smiled licking his icecream Connor looked at us before driving.

Connor's POV
"So where are we?" Jared asked once I pulled onto an old parking lot "should we be here?" Evan asked "I come here a lot and I'm sure you'll like it" I said getting out Jared nodded Evan gluped before getting out I opened the old beaten up gate "I feel like we're breaking in" Evan said walking in "you trust me don't you?" I asked he nodded following me Jared close behind Evan smiled and softed up when he saw the old apple trees "wow" he mumbled Jared walked up beside me "how'd you find this place?" He asked "my family used to come here when it was open" I said smiling Jared smiled at me I put my arm around his waist "hey Evan there's a small picnic area ahead how about you go on ahead" I said Evan nodded leaving me amd Jared he looked at me confused I squeezed his ass making him gasp "moving a little fast there Murphy" he said I shrugged moving my hand up his shirt playing with his nipples he let out a small moan before I pulled away making him whimper "maybe later sweets" I said winking at him making him blush we made it the picnic area Evan was making something by the trees "hey acorn" Jared said walking to him I smiled watching them I couldn't have wished for better soulmates.

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