The Big Blue Box

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I woke up in the chair with a newfound fire. I shifted to sit up straight despite the protest from my sore body. My wrists were still red and raw from the shackles

Before waiting for the pain to subside, I got to work. My hands brushed up against my waistband, where I pulled out a ring. Placing it in my palm, I began sliding it back and forth against the shackles as it slowly cut through. My progress had been slow, but I managed to cut about halfway through my prior attempts.

I continued to work despite the cramps starting to form in my fingers. After a couple more cuts from the ring, my hands flew apart. The bonds released my arms with more energy than I expected.

Surprised and sore from the unexpected movement, I stilled, trying to steady my breath.

I'm not done yet.

My sore fingers felt clumsy as I removed the straps around my torso and legs, but I forced them to keep working as I pulled out the IVs that had fed and hydrated me all this time.

Struggling to my feet, I attempted a step forward. My shaky legs buckled at the unfamiliar weight, and I braced myself against the chair. struggled to my legs, taking shaky steps away from the chair. Leaning against the wall, I made my way to the machine.

I looked it over quickly before turning back to the panel on the wall. There was nothing of use here. I pushed against the panel, and with the familiar Whoosh, It opened. Peering in cautiously, I let go of a breath when I saw that none of the creatures were there. Taking a tentative step further, I braced myself for more must air, but the cool stillness of the room surprised me. In it a panel of wires and screens lined three of the walls. On the other was a desk.

I walked towards the desk and couldn't help but let out a laugh when I saw what was sitting right in the middle.

There sat a vortex manipulator. I couldn't believe my eyes! Before I had time to celebrate, I heard a low huffing coming from the next room. Before I could even see the coordinates, I grabbed the device and pressed the button.

I shut my eyes as the room exploded in a burst of light.

The first thing I felt was warmth. Opening my eyes, I smiled as I saw people moving around me. Taking a few steps forward, I staggered toward a man walking next to me.

"What planet are we on?" I asked him

He frowned and kept walking, barely giving me a second glance. I moved on unfazed; after all, I thought it was a perfectly good question.

A woman in a pink tracksuit turned the corner, but I stopped her mid-stride.

"Excuse me, what planet are we on?" I asked again, hoping for a proper answer.

"Uh, Earth..." She said in an unfamiliar accent

"Can you point me in the direction of the nearest docking station or space station?" I asked genuinely

"Is this a prank?" She responded, looking around  "Am I being punked"

"Punked..." I said, confused at unfamiliar with the word.

"Did Rose put you up to this?" she asked, rambling on. "She travels through all space and time, and now she thinks she can play jokes on me."

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