6 - safe place

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'maybe his arms were my safe place.'

time skip: 3 days later: Tuesday, 16 February 2021 - the day of the audition

I was really nervous. Like really, extremely, unbelievably nervous. Actually I thought I was prepared pretty good but I was still scared that I could forget some lines or something like that.

I was standing right in front of the big building with my mom. She drove me to the audition and would also wait there until I was finished.

My mom noticed my agitation and said "You're gonna do great Y/n. I know you can do this and you know it too. So you're gonna go in there and blow them all away!"
I found it so adorable how she hyped me up.

"Thanks mom, I'm definitely gonna try my best and if I don't get the part I can say I at least tried, right?" I smiled tightly.

"Oh shut it, Y/n! YOU ARE GONNA GET THE PART!! I'm sure about that."

"Okayy mom, I think thats enough..." I said awkwardly, looking around to make sure no one heard her scream and she pushed me into the building.

I don't really know why but suddenly Louis came into my mind. We haven't been really in touch lately but I didn't think too much of it. I needed to focus on the audition for now.

I asked a lady at the entrance where the audition for the movie was and she told me it was on the third floor. Me and my mom made our way to the elevator and went to the third floor.

Because it wasn't my turn yet I sat down on a chair and my mom was sitting right next to me. I pulled out the script from my backpack and looked at the text again.
I became really thirsty so I decided to go to the bar in that floor and get a glass of water.

Still being focused on the script in my hands I went to the bar and didn't notice I almost ran someone over.

I bumped into them, my script fell onto the floor and I bent down do pick up the paper sheets.

I nervously put them back together but some of them were still spread on the floor and the order of the pages was probably mixed up.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry I was focused on my-" I started to excuse myself but when I looked up and saw who it was I stopped talking and my heart dropped.

"Louis" I smiled, I was happy to see him again.

"Y/n.. Hi uhm sorry, let me help you" he grabbed the other sheets from the floor and put them in the correct order. He handed them to me and i placed the script on a table next to us.

"Thank you. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I have an audition for the upcoming movie Enola Holmes, what about you?"

"Me too! I was just about to get something to drink, I'm really thirsty and nervous..." I started doubting myself again. I looked down at my shoes, as always when I was nervous.

Louis noticed the energy I gave off and tried to cheer me up. He softly grabbed my chin with his right hand so I had to look up.

Louis looked me into my eyes and said "Hey, I'm sure you are gonna do great.", he pulled me into a hug. He had his arms around my waist and I placed my arms around his neck.

ℎ𝑦𝑝𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑑 - louis partridge x readerWhere stories live. Discover now