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I crushed my cigarette on to the balcony ledge, the humid air blowing a light breeze against my skin. The front door opened with a quiet beep from the key card system. Eric entered the dorm, throwing his phone on the bed with a sigh. I entered the room sliding the balcony door closed behind me with a quick swish.

"What the fuck is up with you since you got back?" The blonde looked at me, cocking an eyebrow up in an irritated manner.
"I should be asking you that." I sighed unbelievably, for some reason I was the one who was wrong here and it angered me.
"C'mon Sunwoo it's a bit of fun." Eric attempted to win me over, tilting his head slightly and returning the sigh.
"If I hear one more of you say that tonight I will lose my chill. It's not a bit of fucking fun at all. You think taking advantage of girls is a pass time?" I cackled sarcastically, the blonde looking at me with slight guilt that twinged behind his eyes.
"It's not taking adva-" He began but I cut him off before he could finish the sentence.
"Yes Eric. Yes it is. I've been in the same cell with men that pulled the same stunt as y'all tried tonight. Unless you want a 2 year sentence and a pervert title for the rest of your life. I'd shut the fuck up, apologize to them both and never even consider doing the same shit again." I became stern, walking up to the boy in warning as he flashed an intimidated gaze back.
"Ok. I'm sorry, I guess you're right." He huffed backing away and getting into his bed on the other side of the room. I shook my head and got into bed myself.



I was awoken by the sunlight that bled through the white netting of the curtains. The dorms were more of a hotel room than they were a dorm, I scuttled to the close lying bathroom. Leaving the comfort of the white sheets beneath me and getting ready for the day. I slipped into my clothes and gathered myself to look presentable. Then picking up my phone from the glossed wooden cabinet with a vast swipe.

Calling Ashley♡︎...

The line rang and rang; not being returned until it reached the answer machine.
Hey it's Ashley! leave a message.
I sighed ending the call, I should probably go check on her. I picked up my things, slipping my phone into my purse. As I did so, memories of last night were brought back to my memory in a violent flash. I shook my head slipping the device and flipping the the leather of the purse closed.
I left the dorm room, quickly locking the door behind me with a fidgeting snap.
I soon approached the end of the corridor, as I was about to open the stairwell door I was met with people from the other side. I looked up to who had swung open the heavy exit doors, Hyunjae and Juyeon.
I caught eyes with them both, "Y/N wait-" Hyunjae attempted to speak to me. I brushed past them, storming down the first half of the stairs at a record pace for myself. Hyunjae caught up to me, grabbing my wrist and swinging me around to face him.
"I'm sorry. Genuinely, I'll never pull anything like that again. It was wrong and you didn't deserve it." He pleaded with me, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. He seemed to be truthful, but apologizing was the bare minimum he could have done at this point.
"Thank you for apologizing. But that's not gonna fucking cut it Lee Hyunjae." I chuckled sarcastically shaking my hand out of his grip with a harsh yank.
I paced the rest of my way down the stairwell away from the two boys.

Arriving at Ashley's block, I clambered up the stairwell to the 2nd floor. I knocked on the door violently waiting for an answer. After around 2 minutes, I became concerned, knocking again for precaution. Before I could knock for the third time, the door creaked open in a fast whip. I was shocked when I faced the open door that revealed the honey haired Jacob.

"Why on earth are you here?" I sneered, appalled at the shear appearance of the man. Disheveled hair, eyes appearing to have just woken up, squinting in light adjustment.
"Y/N!" Ashley shouted from inside, rushing to the door as she heard my voice.
"What am I seeing exactly?" I asked as she held the white sheets around herself nervously.
"I'm sorry Y/N." She sighed fumbling with the corner of the white material.
I just scoffed and walked away from the apartment in a fast motion. Can trust him, my ass. This friendship group was unbelievable, they'd managed to worm themselves around Ashley. Attempted to drug me and started a fight fight all within the slave of 12 hours.

I walked back to my dorm, scuffing my shoes against the concrete pavement that had heated up under the blazing sun. I unlocked my door with a frustrated snap, slamming it behind me as I walked back in to my room. I threw my purse on to the bed, my phone and wallet falling out of it with a clatter.

Incoming Call...
Accept or Decline

Call ended.

I locked my phone, throwing it back on to the sheets and flopping myself on to the covers with a sigh. Next door, I could hear a low lying chatter. Having seen Hyunjae and Juyeon earlier, I assumed they'd come to clear things up with Sunwoo.
Proving my theory correctly, Hyunjae walked out onto the balcony. He lit a cigarette between his lips, I carefully listened for what I could gather of the conversation.
"I think Y/N went to Ashley's... She's got a sight to behold there. I feel bad if i'm honest." He snickered exhaling the fumes in a vast chuckle.
"Don't be an ass. You were crying last night." Eric walked out also, snapping his lighter in a quick click lighting his own.
"You're right. I apologized but she didn't take it too well." Hyunjae sighed leaning his silhouette against the open ledge, tapping the lit stick against his finger lightly.
"Don't expect her to." I could hear a voice of someone who stood in the doorway just out of vision. It was either Sunwoo or a juyeon. Considering what they had said I assumed a Sunwoo.
"You're such a grouch now." Hyunjae laughed as he took another drag of his cigarette, smiling as he inhaled.
"Y'all are just going too far." Sunwoo breathed out in irritability, none of the surrounding boys said anything in reply silencing themselves at the comment.
As they crushed their ignited cigarettes and walked back inside the dorm, I thought to myself..

I have to talk to Sunwoo.



yikes.. can we trust Ashley?.. ('')

furthermore could this be the beginning of a certain characters arc?.. or could it be the downfall of somebody else ?..

hope you all enjoyed the chapter !.. i'm sorry juvenile updates are slower.. i'm almost up to date i promise !..

have a beautiful valentine's day wherever you are .. ♡︎

clover <3

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