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I left the restaurant for a smoke, lighting it between my lips and inhaling the warm air as the sun was getting ready to set. Eric swung the glass doors of the diner open after me, the metal hitting the brick wall behind it with a bang as he stepped out.
"Can I borrow your lighter? Mines out of gas." He asked as I handed it to him lazily. He lit his own with a sharp click, handing me it back afterwards.

"So why are we hanging out with these girls?" I asked looking at him as he glanced back at me. He scrunched his dark eyebrows as he took a drag of his cigarette.
"Why not?" He chuckled, "Hyunjae has been trying to get one of them since you left."
"Can y'all not take a hint, like ever?" I chuckled sourly at the remark. Knowing this, I looked back at the girls that sat happily talking in the diner.
Talking with boys that didn't want much more than to get in their pants.
"What happened to you in prison? God." He laughed in reply, the smoke of his cigarette pouring from his mouth with each note.
"I've always been the same. The only difference is, I know how to take no as an answer." I looked out to the sunset, the orange orb that rippled and dipped into the sky line through the smog.
"I mean- they agreed to come here." He glanced back through the glass to where they were sat laughing and talking.

I noticed the less talkative girl, Y/N, taking sips from her friends drink. It wasn't going to be long before she finished it, or one of the others bought her one.

Do I trust the others to buy her a drink? No.
Let me tell you why:
first case scenario: it will be alcoholic, they would want her to "talk more" or "let loose".
second case scenario: they buy her something purposefully disgusting as a joke.
third and worst case scenario: the drink wouldn't be the only contents of that glass, knowing the tricks they had up their sleeves.

I put my now short and finished cigarette out - crushing it beneath my foot. I waited for Eric to do the same, as I leant against the weight of the cold glass door to the diner. I approached the bartender and ordered her a bottled drink. Paying the money over the damp bar mat that laid on the wood of the counter top. I dragged myself back to the buzzing table and slipped the drink in front of her with an opener. "What's this for? do you want the money back?" She asked rushing to get the money from her purse to pay me. I told her not to worry about it, and the whole table of boys looked at me.

They knew best, I never went out my way for a girl, but this time I felt like the best I could do was protect her from any of those 3 scenarios. Whether that was apart of prison that changed me or something else had driven me to go out my way for someone I had never met. The conversation resumed in an abrupt manner, the girls didn't notice it but I could sense the intentions of the boys around the table. Probably because I knew them well enough to know when they were up to something...

"Well, we better get going. Thank you for inviting us." Y/N smiled standing up anxiously grabbing her purse and phone from the table with a rushed sweep. "The nights only young Y/N, Ashley doesn't want to leave yet either it seems." Hyunjae sent her a sly look across the table, the corners of his mouth pulling into a smirk.

Ashley looked up at Y/N, the two shared an unknowing glance. Ashley's eyes asking her to say, Y/N's uneasy as if she had seen something, that provoked an alarm bell from within her. I looked around the table, I could tell one of the guys were up to something and she'd noticed.


"Oh my God, Sunwoo is totally gonna trash the dorm now he's back." Eric laughed as the others made fun of him for being a neat freak. He would always litter cigarette buts on my side of the balcony or off the side to keep it out of theirs. The reason I bought them an ash tray, not out of kindness but out of spite. It was hello kitty, one they wouldn't want but use anyway. The plan backfired, Eric ended up loving it and thanking me for it a little too much. That's how the next story began...
"Now that Sunwoo is back, you might leave Y/N alone." Younghoon chuckled in a sarcastic sneer, taking a sip from his pint glass, his right hand loosely gripped around the rim.
"Shut up, I never bothered her. Right Y/N?" Eric cockled an eyebrow up suggestively as he peered at me from down the table. He caught eyes with Hyunjae, who was sat next to me - it was a suspicious gaze that put me on edge to begin with. Regardless, I turned back to Eric catching his gaze daringly.
"Yeah right, you knocked at my door every night for the past 6 months without fail. Every time you asked me out i've said no, yet you still try." I sighed unbelievably, the boys in the room laughing and poking fun at the comment. Eric irritated me sometimes. He was a nice guy, just creepy at times. That went for every guy in this room, sort of nice - just kinda creepy.

Hyunjae sat to my left was up to something.
Keeping my gaze on whatever he was planning, I noticed a packet he held in his veined hands glimmer, under the dim lighting of the booth. I knew well enough that it was a drug of some kind. I nudged Ashley to talk to her but she was already invested in a conversation across the table. She nodded along to the imbecilic point Kevin was making about one of the girls on campus. I pretended not to notice my Coca Cola bottle slide across the teak table with a vast swish. I drew the line before he could pour the unknown powder into the fluted glass tube of beverage.
"Well we better get going. Thank you for inviting us." I smiled as much as I could to cover up the discomfort that irked me from within. I fiddled with the strap of my purse nervously, as Hyunjae who had now hidden the packet looked up to me.
"The nights only young yet Y/N. Plus Ashley doesn't want to leave either so it seems." Hyunjae knew what he was up to, he knew why I was rushing to leave. If he didn't, he was one hell of an intimidating converser.
I glanced at Ashley, who's eyes were telling me to stay. Her brown orbs staring brightly back up at me as I let out a sigh.
"I'm gonna head out to. Y/N you're not going back on your own it's dark plus I'm pretty tired." Sunwoo said lowly, the table encouraged him before he sent them all a look that caused the cheering to die down.
Sunwoo nodded at me for me to follow him out, I did with distance as he pushed the glass door of the diner open. The heels of my white sneakers scuffed, ever so slightly across the the tiled black and white flooring; the pace of my walk quickening.

"What's happened? Just then." He spoke with a serious grunt, lighting yet again another cigarette between his lips. He leant over the silvered metal of the fence where the ramp elevated into the doorway.
"It's nothing, don't worry about it." I shook my head brushing the hair out of my face in frantic sweeps.
"Well it's not. Is it? Which one of them has done something? and who was it?" The tone of his voice tensed, the line of his lips straightening in annoyance.
"Hyunjae, he tried to slip something in my drink." I played it off casually, I didn't want to make it out to be a huge situation despite the severity of what had just occurred back in the diner.
"Hyunjae." He breathed out, the metal of his belt chimed against the fence as he stood up with a furious clash.
"Sunwoo don't-" I grabbed his wrist, but it slipped out of my grip. He swung open the diner door, cigarette still lit between his reddened lips. The wooden handle smacked the brick of the wall behind as he ruthlessly stormed back inside.



Oh ladies... (˶ ⸃˶) it's about to go down..

on a wellness note: if this books themes are too sensitive for you at any point please take a time out.. i don't touch on things too graphically but it's easy to be affected by certain themes brought up in various books.. no matter it's coverage detail.

apologies for any typos i've missed.. i'll read through this again soon <3

hoping your days are better recently.. sending you love..

clover <3

JUVENILE | kim sunwoo ✔︎Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora