Book 2: Straight To the Punch Recap

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Ruby: Hiya I'm Ruby Rose, Leader of team RWBY! I'm also the Imoto of C! Basically he's my big adoptive brother! You Should totally read the official story, but if you don't I'll just give you a recap. Anyways, let's get to it!

Our story begins with a naked C tearing through Grimm that just destroyed a village in Vale, the country not the city. C raids the burning village and gets some clothes. He also finds a small wolf faunus boy named Arsenic. Arsenic joins C due to not having any other family and being to young to set off on his own. So C and Arsenic make it to Vale, the city not the country. Once there C gets a job working for a man named Junior. C makes bank and then a couple of months later C finds out Arsenic is an elemental of the earth. A couple months after that discovery C saves Blake and Sun. After that Professor Ozpin finds him and invites him to Beacon. He and Arsenic both join Beacon and then C and my sister Yang start going out and they're basically the best couple ever! My OTP! There is a food fight, a dance, and then we go on a mission to stop some bad guys. After that there is a tournament and C makes it close to the finals after defeating Yang and Mercury, but tragedy struck and our friend Penny ended up dying. Beacon begins a rapid descent into madness, but with the help of C and myself, Pyrrha kills Cinder and the massive dragon Grimm attacking the school, but once we get back to the evacuation point we find Yang and Arsenic both dead. In a completely heartbroken fit C reverses time and gives his memories to his past self before letting himself be erased from history. Now armed with knowledge from the future, C saves Yang and Arsenic, but loses his arms and legs in the process. Pyrrha dies and Beacon falls. After a few months C is given new limbs from the top mind of Atlas, Penny's father Doctor Polendina. C is also visited by two figures from his past, Siwang and Vita. They give him a set of weapons to help him. Two sticks that can transform into anything he can come up with, patches on his hands that can become any fist related weapon, and holsters that he can pull any type of gun out of. After that C meets up with all of us and he defeats Cinder and kills Mercury and Emerald, Cinder's goons. He also takes the relic of knowledge and fights off Raven, Yang's mom. We then travel to Atlas where on the way we meet Ohma, C's best friend. We all fight a mech, C kills Adam, the guy who cut off his limbs, and we make it to Atlas. Once there we find out Penny is alive and she seals the Relic in the vault. We all then take the fight to Salem, the one behind everything. Once there we take our her goons, rescue my mom who was being held prisoner for years and we didn't know, and C and Ohma take out Salem. They both then leave, but a day later a mansion suddenly appears not far from Yang's and my house. We get there and inside is C. Now you're all caught up! Let's get this show on the road!

Yin: Not quite! We've still got to cover the tournament.

Ito: We've got this Ruby.

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