Chapter 7: Betrayal

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It's been 9 months since Jon was stabbed and sent to the hospital, Becky kept by his side for all that time, she loved him, and missed her best friend by her side, Seth has been trying to get her to do something and move on because it doesn't look like Jon is Waking up anytime soon.

Seth: Come on Rebecca, you can't just sit there and nope about Jon, Move on, the doctor even said it doesn't look like he's going to wake up anytime soon.

Becky: Don't you get it Colby, I love him, Im not leaving his side till he wakes up.

Seth: Come on Becks (kisses her), I've been wanting to do that for a while, I missed you, Im still in love with you Rebecca.

Becky: Colby, Please stop....

Seth: Becks I can't, I love you and I want you back in my life, Jon's not going to be awake for a while, come on Rebecca, Just give me a chance to prove myself.

Becky: Fine, last chance Colby.

Seth: I love you Babe 😘

Becky: I know 😘

Seth and Becky left, not knowing the anger they have brought up out of the returning Death Rider. They go to a Bar nearby where they grab some beers and catch up, after they finish there drinks, Seth goes to get some more, while Becky Receives a call.

Becky: Hello.

Unknown Woman: Hello is this Rebecca Quin.

Becky (skeptical): Yeah speaking.

Unknown Woman: Hello, this is Dr Anderson Calling from the Las Vegas Hospital, Your Boyfriend Jonathan Good is awake, but there's some bad news.

Becky: What's the bad news?

Dr Anderson: He's Stormed out of the hospital before we could check on him, saying he's going to kill him.

Becky: Thanks, I'll go look for him now.

Becky Hangs up the phone and Seth returns with 2 more beers, Seeing the Concern on her face, Seth pulls her into a hug, she returns it.

Seth: Hey, What's Wrong?

Becky: He's alive and awake Colby, we gotta go find him.

Seth: Let's Go.

Becky and Seth Get into Seth's car and drive looking for Jon, meanwhile, Jon is walking around the streets of Las Vegas in his Hospital Clothes, as he reaches his Old House, where his ex girlfriend Renee Lives, he slowly knocks on the door, Renee answers it.

Renee (surprised): Jon, what are you doing here?

Jon: I came for some of my clothes Renee, I need them.

Renee let's Jon in the house and leads him to where his clothes which he left where stored, he gets a Leather Jacket, Some Jeans and his boots and put them on, then he goes and grabs a duffle bag and starts to pile them in.

After he is finished, he heads to the door, he opens it, Renee tells him to wait but he didn't listen, Jon was upset and he felt betrayed by Rebecca and Seth, he wanted to hurt Seth so badly, He carries on walking through the streets of Las Vegas.

Seth and Rebecca pull up at Renee's Residence moments after Jon had left.

Becky: Stay here ok, I'll just ask her if Jon had been here.

Seth nodded

Becky gets out the car and walks to the door, Renee answers.

Renee: Becks, what can I help you with?

Becky: Hey Renee, have you seen Jon?

Renee: Oh, he just left not to long ago after coming in to get some clothes he left, He looked very angry and upset when he left, you better find him Becky, because an angry Jon is a not good thing, you know that.

Becky: Yep I know that, Do you know which way he went (Renee points to the way she saw Jon Disappear to) Thanks.

Becky runs back to the car and points Seth in the direction that Renee told them he left in, they kept driving until they saw a man with a duffle bag crying.

Seth: Becca, that's Jon.

Becky: Finally.

They pull up next to Jon, Becky Opens the car door and runs to Jon, Seth reluctantly gets out and goes to Jon, hoping Jon doesn't attack him. Jon sees Becky and immediately gets up, he walks until Seth Gets in his way, Jon Punches Seth Clean in the nose, and starts to unload on him.

Becky: JON STOP.

Jon: Or what, I'm not going to let him steal the woman I love, looks like he already has.

Becky: What do you mean?

Jon: Oh Cut the crap Becks, I heard you both at the hospital, about that last chance and shit, so do me a favour and get out of my sight.

Jon kicks Seth in the teeth, and sees Seth's Car keys are still in the ignition, so he grabs his duffle bag, placing some money in Becky's Pocket and takes the car.

Becky: I shouldn't have done that, Come on (Picks Seth up and slaps him)

Seth: Ow what was that for?

Becky: He's mad at me for giving you another chance, he woke up because of that, Now what do I do.

Seth: I don't know, Call Joe, I know he's in a hotel, he could pick us up.

Becky calls Roman and asks him if he can pick them up, After 30 minutes of waiting he arrives, They get in his car, he drives off, Becky tells him the situation with Jon.

Roman: Are you two idiots, generally, are you two idiots.

Becky (sobbing): I'm an idiot yes, I feel really guilty about this whole thing.

Roman: Good, you deserve to be, after everything, he got stabbed 9 months ago, got transported here and now you two piss him off.


Jon: MOTHERFUCKER (punching a guy in the face) Stabbing me you little bitch, now let's see who you really are......... Luke Sanders.

What do you guys think about what Becky did to Jon by betraying him for Seth to get a last chance, What will Jon do to get revenge on both Seth and Luke, Shout-out to WWEDEANAMBROSE

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