I nodded and went in. Sarawat's office did not change that much. Only a few things like having a little messy table from the paperwork. I do not know if it is just me or the sofa chairs here changed too. I sat on the largest one of them.

Inhaling deeply, I bask myself in the strong lavender scent of this very office. It took me a week after everything that happened to be able to smell this again.

The office door opened and it was Sarawat's assistant. "Here is your tea, Sir Tine. Please do not hesitate to call me if you need anything else. Lord Sarawat will be here in a moment."

I thanked her again and agreed to her offer.

Hearing that Sarawat would be here any moment makes me a little more nervous than I thought I would be. What is funny is that I saw him this morning before he left; and now feeling nervous seems weird and really makes me feel funny.

I almost jump out of shock when the door opens again—this time, it really is Sarawat.

He is panting as if ran his way here. I could not help but to laugh.


Instead of greeting me back, Sarawat did not waste time. He runs to me and crashes me to his embrace. Good thing that I was not holding my tea cup or it would have spilled everywhere.

It is as if all the tension in his body leaves and he sighs in comfort. "I don't know if I'm in danger for something I did that you didn't like or I am simply blessed that you decided to see me. Either way, I'm happy that you're here..."

Hugging him more properly, I chuckle at how clingy he is. I even started patting his back. "T-There is actually something that I wanted to do..."

He breaks our embrace to face me. Worry and excitement is both evident in his expression. "We can do anything you like."

I smile and hope that it was not too obvious that I am shaking in nervousness. "W-Will you h-have dinner with me tonight?"

I know that we always have dinner at home together. Some other times we would not be able to do it because he has to stay late for work. Tonight is something I want to be special because I have my agenda at hand. Like I said, I need to do my part and have Sarawat to drink. I am very much thankful for Lady Pear because she helped me set this all up. She already even oriented Sarawat's driver.

Happiness overflowed in his expression and I was overwhelmed with the stifling sweet scent of lavender. "You're asking me on a date."

It was not even a question, but I nod in excitement too. "Yes."

• • • • • • • • • •

Sarawat was thinking of Tine all day and actually having him visit him is the best thing that ever happened to him. His assistant Fong knows how much he has been dying to come home, and it indeed feels like a reward now that Tine even asked him out. He feels like a teenager having his first love...

Over dinner, they talked about how their day went. As for him, all he has to share is how boring his office hours are, but Tine had so much to share to him especially how Pear helped him with all of this. He is very much pleased to see Tine like this again.

Everything was harder for every one of them after Type's death. He is aware of the mass panicking of the Noble vampires, especially that there is still no clear narrative on how the suspect got Type to drink the poison. What he does not know is how the Council holds on. In all honesty, the top priority in his mind is keeping Tine safe more than his own. If it was not for Pam, he would not do any measure to tighten his own security.

This has been going on for so long—the killings of the Purebloods—but this is the first time in centuries that the killings went by so fast as if the culprits finally found their way to do their mission quickly.

But this is nothing he should be thinking about right now. He has Tine with him tonight and for the rest of his days.

"We're not going home?"

He did not know that Tine has something more planned for tonight. Tine was shy and yet determined for everything he had in store for them.

Before he knows it, they are already going to the presidential suite of this hotel where they dined.

His heart started pounding in his chest when he finally realized what Tine is trying to do and why he chose such a place—Tine knew that letting him feed from his blood will not stop there.

"A-Are you sure about this?"

Tine chuckles with how he stuttered and smiles as if enticing him more.

Standing before him is not a simple Tine. Standing before him is none other than the person he waited for almost a century, the person he knows that he would wait for another millennium if that is what it takes, the person who owns him...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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