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"I've waited a hundred years, but I'd wait a million more for you..."

• • • • • • • • • •

It has almost been a month and despite knowing that nothing will be the same again, everything is returning to how it was. The present must go on even if it is not easy. Accepting someone's death will never be easy. Lord Type's death caused too much panic and chaos among the Noble vampires before, but it was for the cause that they do not know how they will protect the Purebloods. The last thing I heard about it was Lady Pam participating in the protection team for Sarawat.


I am still having nightmares of him dying. I wish I could simply stop dreaming of anything anymore and I am glad that I am getting better. From having nightmares every night to having them only from time to time. It is hard but there is nothing else I can do but to accept it.

Sarawat has been patient, and I know how hard it was for him to bring me comfort every single time. I want to change—heavens above know how much I want to be less of a burden to him—but I would always need him to reassure me that he will never leave.

Then the topic of marriage will come along.

When Sarawat offered me marriage, I somehow, in some way, knew what that truly meant. I know he loves me and I know that I also do, but the marriage for all vampires will always be like what he and Lady Pam almost had—it is for convenience.

Can I place myself for the commitment we can never undo? The answer will always be "yes" because whether it is for convenience or for love, I am ready to accept Sarawat's hand in marriage... and yet there is always a lingering "but" and forever-lasting "what ifs".

I will say yes to marrying Sarawat, but what happens next?

What if something happens to any of us?

I have so many thoughts, so many questions that I need answers to, and I do not know if I am ready to face them now.

"Sir Tine, we're here."

Removing all my other thoughts, I nodded and thanked the driver that Lady Pear has asked to bring me wherever I want. I did not ask to go anywhere else but here in Sarawat's company. I need to do my part as his partner and his lover.

It has been almost a month since he drank from me and I doubt that he drank from anyone or anywhere else.

"Shall I wait for you, Sir Tine?" Mr. Driver asks when he opened the door for me.

"No, but thank you. Please, drive safely on your way back."

I left and went on my way inside. This is not my first time coming here, and some already know who I am in Sarawat's life. Coming here should be in ease, but ignoring everyone's looks is still not easy as I thought it would be. I know that they mean no harm and that they are just genuinely curious about me—who would not be if they met the person who bears Sarawat scent?

"Sir Tine, pleasure to have you today," Sarawat's assistant greets me. Aside from Sir Fong, this lady is the one who holds the local company affairs, hence staying in here compared to being by Sarawat's side all the time. "Lord Sarawat's last meeting is just about to end. Shall I bring anything to drink as you wait in his office?"

"A-Anything will do please." I meant to refuse the kind offer, but I could not reject her hopeful look to serve me.

"I'll bring you some tea then, sir, please come inside Lord Sarawat's office."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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