Chapter 2

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This couldn't be real right? There is no way someone as illusive and unpredictable as Rosè would be openly advertising a position to work for her! But as I kept re-reading the flyer, a part of me wanted to believe it was true.

Near the rose symbol towards the bottom of the paper, an address was listed. There were no instructions, no date, no nothing. It seemed pretty suspicious but I'm naturally the adventurous type. Additionally, it's not like I had anything to do for the rest of the day. So I called a taxi to take me to the address that was listed.

About a block away from the destination I could already see news vans and swarms of people flocking to what I recognized as the Seoul World Cup Stadium. After I paid the driver, I struggled to push my way through the sea of people attempting to enter the stadium. Dozens of news organizations had sent reporters and camera crews to film everything. I could also make out a few police officers, clearly overwhelmed with the massive turnout.

With this many people there was no way I would be selected. I am 100% sure there are 1000 people more qualified than me. But hey, it's worth a shot right? Suddenly the speakers around the stadium boomed to life. "I see my request for applicants was well received" said a distorted yet feminine voice. Was that her?!

I was in shock. This type of event is so uncharacteristic for her. She is all about staying in the shadows and disappearing after her work is done. But this... this was something very different.

The female voice returned "I believe that is enough people, please look under your seat. You should all find an identical pink envelope. Please return to your homes before opening it. To the one selected, further instructions will follow."

I checked under my seat, and sure enough an envelope the same color as the flyer was laying there, sealed with wax in the shape of a rose. I quickly grabbed the letter and left my seat. I knew it was only a matter of time until things went crazy.

I managed to once again squeeze through the crowd of people, but as I was about to hail a taxi, I heard the crowd gasp, I followed their eyes to the sky, where I could almost make out a hovering silhouette above the stadium. However, as soon as it appeared, it was gone. That must've been her!

When I returned to my apartment I ran to my couch to turn on the TV before I opened my envelope. Just like I predicted, the stadium had turned to chaos. People were fighting over envelopes and trying to get more then one. I let out a large sigh. It's not like having two or three would make much of a difference. There was at least 60 thousand people at the stadium.

I looked down at the pink envelope, there was no way in hell I was holding the key to meeting a real life superhero. But regardless, I still had a sense of childlike wonder when opening it. What did I have to lose right? (If only I knew)

I just hope the person who gets selected appreciates the one in a lifetime opportunity they were gifted. As I finished delicately unsealing the envelope I could see a black note inside.

I slowly took it out and read it aloud "Congratulations! You have been selected as the candidate for the position of my secretary! You might find yourself asking "Why would a superhero need a one of those?" Well, to be honest, I simply wanted some company and someone to talk to. I used the term secretary to make it sound official. If you are at all interested, please come to the following address on Monday the 17 in formal attire. Do not share this message or address with anyone. Doing so will result in you removed as a potential candidate. I look forward to seeing you! - Rosè"


Don't Leave Me - Yandere Rosè x JisooWhere stories live. Discover now