woke up on the right side of the bed

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[Chat Noir has added Carapace, Ladybug, and two others to the chat]

Chat Noir: heyyyy everyone!

Rena Rouge: ohmygosh

Rena Rouge: Is tis real?

Carapace: tis

Queen Bee: tis

Chat Noir: tis

Rena Rouge: shut uppp

Rena Rouge: im too busy fangirling i cant worry about spelling

Ladybug: I still think this is a bad idea


Chat Noir: dw m'lady! It's a good idea for us to have a way to communicate with each other

Ladybug: Yeah, yeah

Ladybug: However, it's imperative that we keep our identities a secret

Queen Bee: ahem

Ladybug: It's imperative for everyone but Chloe to keep their identities a secret

Chat Noir: we will!

Chat Noir: i pawmise :3

Ladybug: Good Lord, don't make me regret this, Chat Noir

Chat Noir: come on bugaboo when have i let you down???

Ladybug: well.....

Chat Noir: :'(

Carapace: rejected.

Ladybug: Back to business

Ladybug: Now that Mayura is around, we're going to need more help. You all have proven yourselves to be heroes, and I believe in each and every one of you. That's why I managed to convince the Guardian to give you your miraculouses full time.

Ladybug: This is a chat so we can notify each other when akumas are happening

Ladybug: This is also in case we have another Shadow Moth case on our hands and have to re-transform multiple times

Ladybug: This is NOT for goofing off whenever you want

Chat Noir: but Ladybug :(

Ladybug: .....fine

Ladybug: We can chat on here, but no identity stuff! Keep it vague

Carapace: i can hear rena's squeal from here

Rena Rouge: i have SO MANY QUESTIONS

Rena Rouge: one, Guardian?

Rena Rouge: two, can I really keep Trixx full time???? I just thought you forgot to collect it last time

Rena Rouge: three, ladybug rlly loves bending the rules for chat doesn't she?

Ladybug: I-


Rena Rouge: four, why does ladybug text like a grandmother?

Ladybug: I do not! I just have auto capitalization on

Queen Bee: turn it off join the darkside

Carapace: dark side! dark side!

Rena Rouge: dark side! dark side!

Chat Noir: dark side! dark side!

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